Have a ball at the ball

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"Have fun, Kids!" Changbin yells from his seat, and we both wave him goodbye.

Chan helps me into my mask and I do the same for him, then with a nod, we both enter the building that the ball was being held in.

We entered into a grand looking hallway, with vine décor draped over the bannisters of the massive staircase that sat central to the room.

We were greeted by a man in a traditional butler suit, with champagne flutes for our arrival. He gestures us to his colleague who guides us into the main room.

"Wow.." I gasp. Chan lightly places his hand on my lower back as we walk together.

"I know you've probably had enough of the compliments, but you look so gorgeous, Y/N." Chan whispered into my ear. 

"I can see Minho left some love bites as well" Chan adds, biting his lip, staring at my lips.

 I felt hot from his comments and played it off with a smirk and I playfully shoved him.

There were around 100 other guests, I couldn't say I recognised any, however Chan was constantly shaking hands and speaking to other guests. I just stood beside him, greeting politely when introduced as Chans 'friend'.

I felt out of place until a familiar voice called my name.

"Hi, Y/N"

It was Tommy... And .. Namjoon? What?

I didn't know what to do with myself, I was happy to see Tommy, but I didn't know what was happening with the whole partnership.. And YG. With these three here, I suddenly felt like this would be an opportunity for YG to pounce. A sense of uneasiness washed over me.

"It's great to see you both!" I chirped, trying to maintain composure.

There was an awkward silence between us.

"We will see you around, okay?" Tommy cut the silence short. That was weird. 

Namjoon smiled. "You look amazing, Y/N. Stay close to Chan, Okay?" He sounded serious. That didn't help my nerves.

There was one man who was rather cold towards Chan, but I could tell greeted him like this because he had an audience. He kept his eyes on me, which made Chan wrap his hand round my waist.

"Who was that?" I tried not to question too much, but that was the first time tonight that I felt somewhat threatened.

"Don't worry. Just stay with me." Chan squeezes my hand and gives a small smile.

The organisers held a spectacular acrobatics show.

They told stories while jumping through fiery hoops that hung from the ceiling, using tables as platforms and incorporating modern dance techniques. It was incredible.

I kept noticing from the opposite end of the room, the cold man we met before, had his head locked in my direction. I tried to brush it off as coincidence, but Chan started to notice me looking uncomfortable. He placed a hand on my thigh to calm me down a bit.

With impeccable timing, I feel the urge to pee. I nudge at Chan and he nods at me and mouths for us to be quick.

We discretely rush through the tables and head to the restrooms. Just before I enter through the door, Chan grabs my wrist. "Is everything okay?"

"That man from before.. who is he? He keeps staring at me." I whisper, looking around, paranoid someone can hear me.

"Uh.. He's an ex client of ours. He works with YG, but it's okay. You've got nothing to worry about." He reassures, but I don't buy it.

Chan waits outside the door for me.

The restroom was massive, with 5 stalls to the left, a massive mirror and ceramic basins to the right, and a pair of French doors that lead out into the gardens straight ahead.

When I finished, I re-fixed my mask and applied a fresh layer of lippy at the mirror.

As I went towards the door to leave, I suddenly feel a force pull me back further into the room.

I caught a glimpse of three men who must have been hiding in the room ready to pounce. Before I had a moment to react, a gag was forced in my mouth and a bag tied over my head, along with my wrists and ankles tied together with rope. They were lightening quick. I tried to scream for Chan and fight them off me but to no avail.

I was dragged out the French doors and thrown onto someone's shoulder. I heard shouting from the men followed by gun shots. I could only assume Chan had heard me and tried to rescue me, but he was just a moment too late.

I continue to let out a muffled scream and I kicked my legs out non-stop in the hope they would just leave me in a ditch.

They bundled me into the back of a vehicle and I was thrown about at the sudden jolt of them driving off, cutting my head in the process.

I laid hoping that whatever end I might meet was as quick and painless as possible.

Not before long, we came to a stop, and then the doors opened up again. I was manhandled onto someone's shoulder again. I could hear more people talking, getting louder until I was thrown onto the floor.

The bag was removed from my head, but they left the gag round my mouth.

I looked round the room. I was surrounded by about 6 older men that I didn't recognise. One stepped forward, who I assumed was the boss. He crouched down to me and removed my mask that still covered my eyes.

"What a pretty thing. You're sure to be causing a stir already." He tilted my chin up, smirking, expecting a reaction. He took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the blood that dripped from the cut on my forehead. I kept a poker face and whipped my head to the side so he let go of me.

"Ooh.. A feisty one. Lock her up with the other one, and get the phone ready." He sneered.

I was pulled to my feet and dragged into another room.

Another room that had someone else I knew.

That someone, being none other than fucking Yoongi.

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