D-Day Pt. 2

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I followed Hyunjin into the shooting range and he began setting up a section to practice in. He showed me how to hold it, how is best to aim and how to reload. He then gave me a demonstration. He hit the targets with such precision, I was in awe. 

He handed the gun over to me, and following his instructions, I pulled the trigger. 

I completely missed the target, hitting near the ceiling. 

"Ah fuck!" I huffed.

"Hey, it's okay, just stand here.."

Hyunjin proceeded to take my hips and move me to stand more central, trigger arm straight, support elbow bent around 90 degrees. 

"Just take a deep breath. In the moment.. if you need to pull the trigger, a lot of this won't matter. But for practice sake, we will go over everything and get you comfortable with shooting."

I take a breath, and I imagine the bullet is an extension of me. I pull the trigger and I get right in the centre of the target.

"Oh shit, Y/N. How'd that feel?" Hyunjin chuckled.

I placed the gun on the side, and looked up at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked concerned.

"..What's the likelihood of me needing to shoot someone?" I exhaled.

Hyunjin pulled me to a chair and sat me on his lap. He ran his hand through my hair while looking into my eyes.

"It's not something you can get used to, but it's necessary. If your life is threatened, it's only right that you protect yourself. What right does that person have to take that from you?" 

I gave Hyunjin a small smile, and he gestured for us to rise.

"I'll take you to the sparring ring now, got to give you the run down on self defense." He playfully patted my bum as we left.

As we entered, Minho and Changbin were occupying the ring, they were immersed in it, like they were letting off steam. Minho landing high kicks and punches to the pads Changbin was holding.

Not long after we entered, Yoongi had also slipped in. I noticed him and gave him a little smile.

It looked like Minho had noticed him as well, and got a bit carried away, almost knocking Changbin flying with his kick.

"What are you doing here?" Minho spits.

"Look, pretty boy.. I know we've had our differences in the past, but you can trust me now. Seriously." Yoongi holds his hands up. He doesn't want to fight any longer, but obviously it's going to take a lot more than his words to change their mind.

"Y/N, come up here. We've got to go through some basics. There's only so much we can show you with the time we've got, but this should help." Minho instructs, ignoring Yoongi. 

I get up to the edge of the ring. Its quite high so Changbin reached his hand down to help pull me up. Hyunjin climbs up and all three of the men get into position.

"What are you doing..?" I hesitate, looking at each of the men as they close into my space.

"Being realistic, Y/N. Show us how you'd defend yourself if you were being jumped by three people." Minho coaches coldly, before making a move to grab me .

I instinctively ducked and slid to the floor under his arm, successfully dodging him, but Hyunjin took hold of my shoulders and flattened my back to the floor, straddled over me..

"What are you going to do now?" He mocks.

I flay my arms around but it was no use, Hyunjins weight was pinning me down.

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