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I followed Namjoon and took in the environment.

Everything has changed so much.

It was the same theme throughout, with dark walls, cold leather sofas and low lighting.

It was the same theme throughout, with dark walls, cold leather sofas and low lighting

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It was moody, and unwelcoming.

"Sit there." Namjoon commanded.

I didn't respond, but I did as he said.

"The rest will be here soon." He added, pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

I sank into the sofa, staring blankly ahead.

The cold leather gave me a full body shiver.

"Why is it so cold here?" I whined like a child.

Namjoon let out a sigh and walked to one of the hidden storage cupboards.

He grabbed a blanket from the shelf, and I watched him as he walked over to me and dropped it in my lap.

"This should help.

And.. Uh..

Sorry about your face." He mumbled.


I looked up and frowned at him.

"My staff need to know they can't disobey me. It's not about you going to bed.

I need full faith in them that they can listen to my instructions, so when it's life or death, they come out alive."

"Wait, so you're trying to protect them?" I quiz. This seems really farfetched from someone like Namjoon.

"I'm not as bad as you think. But my methods are sometimes a bit.. Harsh.." He mumbles apologetically.

I rubbed my cheek where he laid his hand. That's putting it lightly.

"Ah, fuck!" I cried, clutching my head in my hands. My headache returned, but the pain was much worse. 

"Woah, are you okay?" Namjoon rushed to check on me.

"Do I look.. Like I'm fucking okay?!" I hissed through the pain. 

Namjoon sighed and wrapped his arm around my waist to pick me up.

"What are you doing?" I whined, but allowed him to manoeuvre me like a ragdoll, laying me on the floor, but propping my legs up on the sofa.

"This will reduce the pressure.." He stated calmly. 

I looked up at him from the floor. 

This is not awkward at all, but he is right. It is helping.

The door went and we both snapped our heads to see who it was. 

Yoongi and Jimin walked in, and as they noticed me on the floor, they just stood frozen, wondering what the fuck they've just walked in on.

"Uhh.. Do you want us to walk back out or..?" Yoongi asked in full seriousness, while Jimin just burst out laughing.

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