Steering Clear

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I sat with Yoongi under the tree for a little while, just in comforting silence.

It was mad how safe I felt with someone who I feared so much before, but I guess that's just my life now. It seems to just continuously take U-turns when I least expect it.

"Maybe we should go now." Yoongi quietly suggested, and I hesitated to agree.

"You can stay with me if you're scared, but honestly, I promise nothing will happen to you. I'll fight anyone who tries to hurt you. Even Joon." 

His words really did help, but the fact that Namjoon has a vendetta against me just scares the shit out of me. How can I live in such close proximity to someone like that? Maybe he has some anger issues that need addressing.

He got up to his feet and held his hand out to me.

I got up, and he pulled me into a hug. He is such a softie.

"Let's go." He then urged, grabbing a spare helmet and fitting on my head. As he buckled it up, he then pecked my lips.

He put his own helmet on and then climbed on the ATV, and I got on behind him.

"Hold on." He instructed, then switching the engine on. He drove us back to the house. I held on tightly as although we probably weren't going that fast, it bloody felt it. 

As he parked it up in the lock-up, I waited for him to walk me inside.

I didn't know what to expect, but I wanted Yoongi to be near me whatever it is I might face.

Jin was sat on the sofa on his phone and Jimin, JK and Tae were playing a mobile game together on the larger sofa.

I had been gone hours, but no one seemed to notice, or rather acknowledge my intentions for leaving. Maybe Yoongi covered for me?

"Did you enjoy the gardens?" Jin smiled genuinely. 

"Uh.. Yeah, they are beautiful." I smiled at him, and he beamed back. I took a seat next to him and he laid down on my lap. Yoongi sat on the end of the sofa but still fairly close to me.

"Still on for a picnic tomorrow?" He asked, and Yoongi snorted. 

I backhanded Yoongi to silence him and he pulled a shy face. "You're just jealous." Jin playfully teases Yoongi, and he nods in all seriousness. 

"Who wouldn't want to spend time with Y/N?" He sighed, glancing at me for a reaction.

It was sweet seeing them so.. normal. Not angry and not defensive. It felt like how it did at The Kids house.

The game the three were playing ended and Tae got up from the sofa and crouched in front of me.

Jin sat up to give us some space.

"Are you okay?" He whispers.

"Mm. I'm fine. Thank you, Tae" I smiled at him.

"Namjoon left for some business not long after you walked out the room. He didn't say where he was going, but said he'd be a few days." Tae worried, looking at Yoongi. 

"I know it's not my place to comment really, but everything Joon has said and done these last few days.. It's so strange, and out of character.." Tae adds quietly, but the others heard him and pricked their ears.

"Are you saying he's lying?" Jin jumps in, half defending Joon.

"I don't think everything is a lie.. Just some of it. What he said about Y/N.. YG.. but then he said before that keeping us all safe is his priority.. I just don't feel good about it. It doesn't sit right." Tae then explains, but it only made Jin more confused. 

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