We've got a situation

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I was spectating from the side and it looked to me like everything was going well, but I'd never seen anything like this before, so what do I know?

Felix: "What was that Changbin?"
Jeongin: "I've got an angle on them now but I can't make out their faces"
Han: "Minho, can you look round at 9 o'clock in 3, 2.. 1"
Jeongin: "Minho, scratch your head if you caught their faces"
Felix: "Minho, touch your nose if you recognised them"
Han: "Okay, false alarm."
Jeongin: "I dunno guys they are lingering a bit too much for my liking"
Han: "Innie keep an eye on the one with the cap"
Felix: "He just touched his ear, Seungmin, can you touch your nose if you can hear him saying anything?"
Felix: "Seungmin, is he a possible threat? Touch your cup if so"
Han: "Ive got a bad feeling about this"
Jeongin: "Changbin, can you repeat?"
Jeongin: "Changbin?"
Felix: "Now accessing the street cctv to check on Bin.. wait.. he's not there. I'm going to check the footage from the last few minutes"
Felix: "Someone got in the passenger side 6 minutes ago and then Changbin started driving."
Han: "Changbin.. cough if you can hear me"
Felix: "Okay, Changbin, clear your throat again if you are in danger"
Jeongin: "Ah fuck. Minho, Hyunjin. High alert, I repeat high alert."
Han: "Those two are making their way to the exit"
Jeongin: "My connections been cut. Rebooting now."
Han: "Minho, Hyunjin, Place your hands on the table if you heard the alert."
Han: "High alert.. I repeat high-
Ive been booted."
Jeongin: "I can't see anything"
Felix: "Chan we have a situation with our comms and Changbin is missing. I think those two were decoys.."

I sit back down on the sofa and pick up the magazine. I flick through the same pages again hoping something interesting pops out.

I then hear something fall in the kitchen and without thinking, I leave the room to see what it was.

"Oh.. Changbin.. Why are you here?"

Changbin just looks wide-eyed at me. He closes his eyes briefly and inhales.


He looked defeated.

"Whats wrong?" I begin to approach him

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"Whats wrong?" I begin to approach him. He subtly lifts his hands as a hint to stop.

My heart is beating out of my chest. Something's not right.

He lets out a huff of air. "Fuck it"

He dives over to me and pushes me under the table. "Reach over and press that button!" He shouts.

I reach for the button and alarm sounds echo throughout the building. Shutters come down on the main doors and internal doors lock magnetically.

"Y/N! Stay hidden!! Stay hi-" Changbin is cut off with what sounded like a blow to his stomach. I hear the noise of his body dropping to the floor in a pained groan.

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