Lets get down to business

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We get back to the house with coffee in-hand.

Chan and Minho nudge each other and chuckle, noting Changbins face as they hint to us doing something together.

"Y/N, you'll be safe here with the three rays of sunshine while they work on the comms.

Just try keep out the way, but make sure you alert them if anything happens in the house. " Chan instructed.

"Noted" I reply, smiling and sipping my coffee.

I go to take a shower to freshen up and Changbin grabs my arm and spins me around.

"Y/N.. I want to ask.. Will something like that happen again between us?" He asks hesitantly.

"If you want it to" I whisper. Pecking him on the cheek and then skipping off toward the bathroom.

I turn around before I enter and he stands there with his hand to his cheek looking like he just won the lottery.

I giggle and make my way into the room.

The shower was exactly what I needed to freshen up, and as I made my way to my room, Chan appeared out of nowhere, almost giving me a heart attack.

"Y/N.. Can I ask you a favour?"

"...Go ahead.." I worryingly reply. I've had enough of favours to be quite honest.

"Next weekend, there's a charity masquerade ball that a lot of the big organisations are going to....and I've been invited.. along with a plus one.

So.. Uh..  I wondered if you would be my date to it?" He nervously grinned.

"A ball? I've never been to one before! That sounds fun!" I excitedly gasp.

Chan couldn't contain his elation and picked me up by my hips and spun me around. It was strange, being here felt so homely, and everyone was so nice. But with each individual relationship I have with the men, I just wish I could split myself 8 ways evenly. I didn't feel bad about myself for having slept with half of them, as they all made me feel so good and they don't even seem to be remotely jealous of each other. I just know it's not going to last. I may as well make the most of it.

I enter my room and change into some fresh clothes. Just a t shirt and jeans will do.

I walk back out and can't see anyone. They must be having a meeting or something.

Chan walks out the meeting room and catches sight of me. "Oh, Y/N, I just need to show you our lockdown procedure.."

"Lockdown? That sounds a bit scary.. "

"It's fine, just normal procedure. For your safety it's best you know what to do in an event of an emergency."

"We have hidden buttons in every room, that once pressed, trigger the internal doors to magnetically lock, the shutters outside to come down, and an alarm throughout the building. There is an override that can be done by pulling the button out and clicking to the internal reset. That's for incase the lockdown is initiated accidentally or to aide in rescue."

I nod to Chan. I was nice to know the place was so safe.

They were all prepping for their day, going through worst case scenarios etc. They were a well established organisation and part of the 'Big Three' as Changbin said. Because of this, they were always going to be a target to smaller groups wanting to build. Every outing was a full operation, and nothing was ever underestimated or half-arsed.

I was shown to a comfy sofa in the comms room, which is where I would stay while everything was happening. Jeongin and Han were already working on hacking into the CCTV in the building and on the street. Monitoring who is already in there and gathering information on their identities incase of a spy.

Seungmin left first, being an inconspicuous customer, he needed to get there earlier than the others.

After some time, Han had announced Seungmin was in the building, and without delay, the others left together.

I made myself a drink and sat in the comms room with the three lads. They all had head sets on and were rapidly typing on the keyboard and speaking to each other and to the other guys in Korean.

I grabbed a magazine that was on the side table and flicked through it. It was a business insider, with information on current import and export news and general boring business stuff. I couldn't care less about it but it was something to keep me occupied for a short while.

I decided to stand and wander around the room. They had photos on the wall of each of them, all cute days out and special occasions. They were like brothers, more than business partners. I was nice to see.

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