D-Day Finale

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After everyone had left, Tommy had rocked up. 

"We all ready to speak to my brother then?" He tries to make small talk, but everyone's heads were straight and were mentally prepping for a tough day.

Tommy jingles his keys in his hand. "Y/N, I want you to ride shotgun if that's okay with you?"

He was being oddly nice, but I kept a subtle guard up.

"Sure, will you boys be okay squished in the back?" I tease. Chan chuckles. "Cheers, Tommy."

The drive was silent, apart from the low volume of the radio, no one was talkative. That might be because there were four bums on three seats, just to hazard a guess.

Tommy clears his throat.. "So.. Chan.. You will notify Namjoon once we are in the meeting room with my brother yeah? Then when we walk out, you'll all be ready to jump him?"

Ah, so this is the fake plan then..

"Yep, everyone's been prepped for those instructions, so as soon as we get the all clear from you, we will pounce. Taking those fuckers down, and taking their empire." Chan lied.

"Where will I be again? Sorry, I'm just a bit nervous" I always fancied myself an actor.

"Ah.. Y/N.. You'll be with me in the meeting. Don't worry, my brothers not too scary." Tommy places a reassuring hand on my thigh, but it caught me off guard so I jumped.

"Oh.. A bit touchy? Try to calm down. He can smell fear." He joked. He was always a shit comedian.

We pull up to the gates and Tommy buzzes in. The gates then click open and he drives us around the back and parks up.

We all walk together, and exchange looks of reassurance to each other before we enter the building.

"We.. " Tommy gestures to us all. ".. Are hear to see my brother. I have a meeting scheduled with him" Tommy notifies the doorman.

"Come in, take a seat." He instructs.

We all sit down on the sofa, awaiting this 'meeting' to commence.

Tommy disappears.

He returns shortly after.

"Ah.. How do I say this.. He wants to see me on my own at the beginning, if that's okay? There's a private matter we need to deal with first, then you will be called in. That's okay isn't it?" He hesitates. 

I didn't know about the others, but I could really see straight through him. What a load of bollocks.

About 15 minutes later he returns. "Y/N.. can you come in? Boys, we won't be much longer. Sit tight." There he goes again with the shit acting.

I turn back and wave to the others. I really hope this works. I can't bare to lose any of them.

I follow Tommy through to the meeting room, and there sat in the middle of the table, is Tommys brother. He looks just like him, just a tad older. 

There were two guards in the room stood at the door. I subtly scanned the room of noticeable objects in the event of an attack, but the room was bare. The only things useable were the chairs, but they looked like they weighed a tonne.

I lightly smiled to his brother, who's real name I came to discover was Gordon.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. Tommy's told me all about you. What a nightmare to be dragged into all this conflict, when you had no loyalties to either organisation. You're lucky to still be alive." 

I instantly didn't like this man. He was slimy and conniving. Nothing what he said felt genuine at all.

"I don't know what I would have done if it wasn't for your brother." I smile. I never once sucked up to Tommy, but I thought in this moment it might benefit me.

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