Dead Memories

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The journey was long and quiet.

I hoped that finally I would have a little bit of stability in my life, but now that's been replaced with uncertainty.

If anything, I have become a prisoner. How much danger could I actually be in? It doesn't make sense.

As we approached the country road that lead to Bangtans mansion, I began getting flashbacks. It felt so long ago, but events from that night were imprinted in my memories as if they happened yesterday.

My hands became clammy, and as we neared the gate, I felt heat radiate off me, enough to steam up the windows of the car.

"You need to enter the building and take a seat in the reception room. Namjoon will not be long." The driver instructed monotonously, and so I climbed out of the car.

My limbs felt unusually heavy, making it difficult to stabilise my weight as I walked.

I carefully opened the door, and the familiar scent hit me like a wave. I never thought I would step foot in this building again.

At least the décor had changed though.. So it kind of felt like a different place, sporting a more grungy vibe with darker coloured walls and low lighting.

I took a seat on the once cosy sofa.. which has since been replaced by two rather cold, contemporary arm chairs.

I zoned out enough to not notice a member of staff standing awkwardly in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Sorry Miss, but would you like a drink?" The woman grimaced, sensing that I have not had the best of days.

I tried to speak, but all that came out was a husk of air.

I cleared my throat. "Yes please.. Water." I struggled, and she nodded, giving me a pitiful smile.

She came back shortly with a tumbler of cold water. It was the same type of glass that Namjoon had handed me before.

She clocked my look of horror as I recognised it.. So she took the initiative to place it on the table for me instead of in my hands. I really appreciated that from her.

She hung around for a second, like she wanted to say something.

"Is everything okay?" I quietly asked her, trying hard to not add any unpleasant tone in my voice.

"I just want to let you know that you have a room made up..

Uh.. I can take you to it if you would like? You look like you could do with some rest." She smiled genuinely at me.

I'm sure Namjoon wanted me to stay in the reception room.. But I am exhausted.

"Yes, please." I croaked. What's the harm? If it's my room then it shouldn't be an issue.

She held her hand out for me to take, and then guided me to the first floor bedroom.

"This is all mine?" I queried. The room was massive.

It had a king sized bed directly on the right as you came in, with an open ensuite opposite. There was a waterfall shower, and a free standing bath next to it.

The outside wall was practically all glass, looking out into the miles of fields and forests that surrounded the mansion.

The outside wall was practically all glass, looking out into the miles of fields and forests that surrounded the mansion

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It was incredible.

"If you need anything at all, you just need to press this button and someone will come." She advised, grinning from my sudden change in demeanor, almost like she knew it would cheer me up.

"Thank you. What is your name?" I asked, taking a seat on the bed.

"There is no problem at all, Y/N. You can call me Ali." She beamed.

"Thank you, Ali." I smiled back, but in that moment, we heard hysterical shouting from someone downstairs.

We both looked at each other in panic and left the room in a hurry to see what happened.

As we got downstairs, we saw Namjoon pointing and screaming in the face of a member of staff.

"She needed to stay downstairs!" He bellowed. The poor steward looked terrified.

"It's my fault, Sir. I took her to her room to rest." Ali stepped in, and in that moment, Namjoon directed his anger towards her.

"They were simple instructions! She would have survived staying there until I got back!" He spat at her.

She just took it, almost like she was used to it.

"Hey, don't shout at her! She's done nothing wrong!" I defended Ali, stepping in between them to face Namjoon.

Namjoons eyes somehow got darker as he stared deeply into mine. As far as I was concerned, he was pissed for no reason other than me going to my room, which really is no reason at all. He scared me, but I wasn't going to let him speak to anyone like that. Employees especially do not deserve such treatment.

"You need to watch your tongue. Your life is in my hands." He hissed back, diffusing some of his anger, but still enough for his threat to send shivers down my spine.

"Go fuck yourself." I snapped back.

My emotions were all over the place, which explains why I couldn't contain them, but I soon regretted that.

My insult made Namjoon plant his palm directly on the side of my face, knocking me off my feet and to the floor.

I can't say I was caught off guard, but my weak body made no attempt to soften my landing.

I stayed on the floor holding my hand to my cheek. It was pointless reacting to that. Namjoon is built like a brick shithouse. He could literally kill me.

I roll my eyes and pull myself back to my feet.

I shot daggers back at him, but did as he said, reluctantly.

"Still a quick learner, I see." Namjoon pokes, then walks off into the living room.

Ali nudged me, gesturing me to follow him.

Does he think I can fucking read minds or something?!

I can tell it is going to be hell living here.

At least Ali is nice, though. Will be good having another girl around.. Even if she is an employee.

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