Let go

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I sat down on the sofa in my cosy robe, for the first time feeling at ease.

It's crazy what a little self care does for you.

Hyunjin appeared and slumped in the seat beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Someone's clingy." I tease pulling him in closer to me.

Hyunjin nuzzled his face in my neck. "You just smell nice. It's comforting."

My heart couldn't take it today. Everyone was being nice to me, and it was weird. 

Namjoon joined us on the sofa and switched on the TV.

"What else have you got planned for me then Namjoon?" I ask abruptly, making him snap his head to me in confusion at my directness.

"Uh.. We will discuss it tomorrow. With Chan." His features softened and he smiled back.

"We? As in me included?" I quiz.

"Of course. This is about you. How can we get a plan together without the main character involved?" He teased, making Hyunjin snort.

"Am I in danger?" I mumbled, furrowing my brow.

"No, you are just sought after, like a precious gem. There's a few that want their dirty hands on you, but we will keep you close and give you all the resources you need to protect yourself if needed. You aren't in danger.. If anything, we all are for having you with us." Joon explained with some concern in his tone.

He was worried, I could tell.

"Well, you can't wrap me in cotton wool." I playfully spit back.

"No, you're too fiery for that. It would just singe." He winked, making Hyunjin jokingly slap me in reaction to Namjoons comeback.

I pretend to sulk and he just chuckles back, leaning further into the sofa to get comfy.

"Joon.." I hesitate, maintaining my gaze at the TV.

"Hm?" I see him look over, but I avoid looking at him.

"Can I burn that dress?" I ask, causing Hyunjin to fidget and look up at me.

He stares while processing what I just asked him. He then got up from his seat.

"Do you want to do it now?" He warmly suggests. He can tell it's a sensitive issue.

I lightly nod to him and Hyunjin gets up from the sofa. "Do you want me to come? Or just Joon?" He mouths. 

"Just Joon. Thank you." I smile weakly at him.

Namjoon follows me to my room and I take the dress in my hands, holding it close to my body.

As we get outside, he guides me to a bench to sit at while he gets the fire pit prepared, placing wood and natural firelighters until it is at a steady burn..

I squeezed the dress against me, hoping somehow all my feelings from that day transfer over to it.

Namjoon has the pit ready and helps me to my feet.

"Whenever you are ready." He softly whispers.

I close my eyes.

I envision the dark memories travelling through my body.

I was never too into spiritualism, but for some reason, this felt the only way.

I needed to feel these negative emotions leaving me, and creating space for positive ones.

I held out the dress in front of the fire.

I felt the heat just enough where it was bearable.

I am strong.

I am in control.

I take a long breath through my nose, inhaling some of the smoke, then I dropped the dress in the flames.

I stepped back and watched as the fire reacted to the material. Curling and singeing while the flames spread through it. I don't know why, but I thought it would be roaring flames. What was presented in front of me was the opposite.

It burned slowly. Small yellow flames melted the fabric. It was almost.. Calm. There was minimal smoke coming from it, but what did was light grey.

The smell of burning wood and hair filled the air around us. 

It was a natural smell, and I felt less precautious near it. 

Fire should not be underestimated, but I felt a connection with it. I felt comfort from the heat that radiated off it. 

Namjoon stayed with me until the dress was reduced to ashes.

I grabbed a metal rod and poked into the ashes, nodding as I was satisfied with its complete demise.

There was something small and hard in the pit, and I could hear it scrape against the metal fire pit while I moved it around.

"Is that a rock?" I ask Namjoon, and he takes a closer look.

"That's odd. Must have been dropped in the pit by a bird or something. We only use wood." He frowned, more annoyed that it might scratch the pit.

I pick up a piece of wood and knock it out of the pit and onto the floor.

It was a small black rock, around the size of a pea.

"We do get magpies around here, it must have been too heavy to carry." Namjoon picks it up and wipes it with his fingers.

He snorts at what he sees, looking up to the sky as if he can't believe his eyes.

"Here, a gemstone for a gemstone." He hands me the small stone and I study it.

"Is this tourmaline?" I quiz. I'm not well learned with stones, but tourmaline has distinctive long striated ridges. Once you have seen it, it's hard to forget.

"Are you some kind of witch?" He jokes, then taking his arm around me to guide us back into the house.

"If I was, you would have known by now." I smirk back, still studying the stone.

We see Hyunjin and he pulls me in his arms for a warm hug.

"What's this?" He questions, holding my hand up while I held the stone in my fingers.

"Ah, black tourmaline. It's good for protection." Hyunjin casually states, then gaining a confused look from Namjoon.

"We found it in the fire pit." I admit, watching Hyunjin as he processes what I said.

"Well, no one can get you now. Even the universe is on your side." He gives me a bready smile and I let out an airy chuckle.

"You should get it made into a necklace. You're obviously meant to have it." He suggests, but aiming it at Namjoon.

"I'll get that arranged." Joon smiles, holding out his hand for me to pass it to him.

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