Awkward reunion

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I relax in the car seat, and close my eyes. I'm still awake but if I pretend I'm asleep then I wont have to engage in more conversation. Sometimes I just didn't like talking.

After a little bit, Changbin made a phone call on the hands free in the car.

CB: "Hello.. Are you home already?"

C: "Yes, just got in. Is Y/N okay?"

CB: "She's asleep... How did it go?"

C: "We got her out just in time. Yoongi arrived but with different back up.. I couldn't see the rest Bangtan at all"

CB: "That's odd, the others might not want to get involved"

C:"Maybe, but either way we made a promise to Tommy, so she's our problem now."

After about 20 minutes we arrive at the destination.

Changbin nudges me to see if I'm awake and I just pretend I'm still asleep.

He inhales a bit and climbs out of his side, over to the passenger side and then takes hold of me in a bridal carry.

He was soft and secure.

Although I was only pretending still, I nuzzled into his chest as if to get comfy.

I sense him acting bashful at my actions, which was cute.

I decide to put him out of his misery and 'pretend' to wake up startled.

"Sh..shh its okay" he reassures.

He lowers me to my feet and I sluggishly follow him into the house.

I couldn't remember much from last time but as soon as I stepped foot into the hallway, it all hit me like a wave.

Chan was stood there taking off his bike gear, leaving him in a vest and jeans. He looked good.

"Y/N, I'm sorry I had to startle you like that earlier, but it really was for your own good" He grabs my hands in his and kisses my skin lightly.

I feel a blush creep.

"Come now, let me fill you in with what's happened" He gestures me to follow him into another room.

We walk into a large meeting room, and he pulls out a chair for me to sit on.
Minho appears and sits opposite me. He flashes a little smile at me and then reverts back to his usual emotionless self. I look down at my hands.

"So, Y/N. To cut a long story short, Yoongi is after you. His shoulder healed and now he wants to seek revenge, blaming you for what happened before. From personal experience you need to know that he wont stop. He wont stop until he has you, and is satisfied that you will be punished... usually with torture and death." Chan stated with a concerned expression.

I took a second to respond.

"From personal experience?" I quote. Completely ignoring everything else he said.

"Is that why, at the house... he was threatening you? and me? Have you done something to him?" I worryingly add.


It's a long story, but yes. He hates me." He says hesitantly.

"But.. its okay. He will be dealt with. You are safe here." He reassures.

I stare blankly at him.

"C'mon, you can trust us."

I scoff.

'Trust' seems to just get thrown about by these lot.

I stare back at Chan, still not responding.

"I know what will make you feel more at home... Y/N... Do you want to see?" He purrs, a smirk forming on his lips.

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