Out of sight, out of mind

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I am on bed rest for the time being. Being brought food and drink by each of the group. It was nice having all this attention, and everyone going out of their way to brighten the mood.

I had found out from Changbin that Chan, Minho and Hyunjin had to leave early to see to a particularly difficult client. Their jobs didn't really bother me in all honesty. People do what they have to do to make a living. 

I'm laid in bed next to Jeongin. He's good company, showing me funny memes he finds.

"Look" He shows me, silently giggling to himself.

I let out a cackle at his latest one. We have a similar silly sense of humour.

We suddenly both hear a loud crash through the front door and look at each other in panic and confusion.

Jeongin springs out of bed. I attempt to but I hiss in pain from the sudden jolt of movement.

He opens the bedroom door wide to see what the commotion is and we both see Chan and Minho carrying a bloodied Hyunjin down the corridor.

We look in shock at each other.

"Go! You'll need to help Seungmin!" I shout to him, shooing him away with my hand.

He nods and sprints out of the room.

I was still struggling, but I manage to shimmy my way to the edge of the bed. Just as I built up enough strength to stand up, Han runs into the room and my momentum I built up just fizzled away.

"What are you doing? You're on bed rest!" He approaches, taking hold of my shoulders lightly.

"No Han, I need to get up, I need to see if Hyunjin is okay!" I cry out in pain.

"Oh Y/N. Seungmin is going to kill me.. but I can grab a wheelchair if that helps?" He compromises with me and I nod to him in desperation. 

He runs off and back in what felt like a few seconds with an indoor wheelchair. He helps me onto it and then wheels me out of the room. I can feel wind through my hair we are going that fast. We follow the trail of blood down the hall.

As we approach the medical room, a feeling of dread and worry washes over to me. 

Minho is sat on the floor near the door with tears in his eyes. 

Han parks me near the door and crouches down to Minho, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

Minho wipes his eyes and relaxes his face. "YG" He mumbled.

"They ambushed us. Hyunjin got the brunt of the attack. We got out just in time but Chan was injured as well."

"How many attacked you?" Han nervously asked.

"A dozen I think.. I'm surprised we made it out to be honest, but they seemed amateurish. So we had the upper hand. YG must be getting desperate if that's what they are sending out to represent them" He struggled.

"Are you okay? They didn't get you?" Han checked Minho. His hands were wafted away.

"I'm fine, just a bit shook up."

I struggle out of the chair and lower myself to the floor, seated next to Minho. He sat in a daze for a few seconds before clicking onto me sitting on the floor.

"What are you doing? You should be on bed rest!" He shot up and positioned himself to pick me up.

"I'm okay Minho, just let me sit with you for a bit." I urge him to sit back down.

I was aching but it didn't matter. They could lose their brother. I was so worried for all of them, and for what Minho had to deal with. 

The three of us sat silently together. I rested my hand on Minhos thigh to try comfort him. 

I am an empathetic person, but I struggle with actions and words sometimes. 

He placed his hand over mine, in acknowledgment of my efforts, and gave me a weak smile.

Felix and Changbin came into the house from sparring. As soon as they spotted us three, they ran towards us and collapsed to the ground.

Han filled them in with what happened and they both broke down.

This must not happen often if this is how they are all reacting.

We hadn't had an update from Seungmin or Jeongin in over half an hour, that was until Chan slipped out of the room and stood before us.

His face was taped up and his arm in a bandage. 

"Hyunjin suffered multiple gunshot wounds to his body. He is in a bad state, but luckily.. they all missed his vital organs." Chan spoke softly.

I wasn't sure what Chan had said, but I assumed it was okay news. The rest of the guys let out sighs of relief.

I sense Chan staring down at me.

"What are YOU doing out of bed hmm?" Chan poked my head.

"I wanted to make sure everyone was okay.." I mumbled.

Chan crouched down and faced me. I nervously look up to him and meet with his eyes. He looked broken, but was staying strong for the other guys.

He gave me a small smile and took one of my hands.

"C'mon, let's get you back in bed. I need you to get better. I've got plans for you." He spoke softly, gently pulling me to my feet.

I held in my pained groans as much as I could but that didn't stop Minho jumping up to help me to my feet.

I was sat back in the wheelchair. Looking up at Chan and Minho. They were worn out. 

"I'll push her, your arm is hurt." Minho exhaled, taking hold of the handles of the chair and pushing me along. 

I wave goodbye to the remaining four sat in the hallway.

The short journey back to the room felt long and heavy. Minho didn't say a word, but he didn't have to. I got it. 

We reached the door and he pushed me in, positioning the chair close to the bed, and lifting me up.

As he sat me on the edge of the bed, he stared into my eyes. I reached for his hands and he looped his fingers in mine. I pulled him towards me and he gave in, sitting down next to me.

I shimmied myself further into the bed, and slowly fell back onto the pillow. He followed and laid down next me. I glace over to him and he stares into my eyes. I take his hand and I wrap his arm round my stomach. He inches closer to me and nuzzles into me before drifting off. He was wiped out.

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