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Yoongi looked up to me as I was chained to the wall. He didn't react.

He just sighed and looked down at the ground.

Another two men exploded into the room with a tripod, which they began setting up directly in front of me. I had no idea what was going on.

The one I had assumed was the boss placed a chair in front of me and he sat with the back to his chest so he was facing me. 

He leant over and tucked my dishevelled hair behind my ears. I don't know why he was trying to make me look tidy. I had a fucking gag tied round my mouth still and I looked like I'd been dragged through hell.

"Okay, let's go!" He yelled, overly enthusiastically, as he spun himself round to face forward, blocking my view of the phone.

He dialled a number on a phone that was attached to the tripod, and as it connected, he began to speak. 

"Hello, Christopher.. Chan.. Bang..." The man smirked.

Oh no.. Chan?

"It's your old friend here, I must say, you have good taste in women. My men are struggling to keep their composure around our new guest..." He taunted.

I'm bait? Fuck. 

"Don't fucking touch her!" Chan growled, making me jump.

"Don't worry, we will keep her relatively unscathed. But be quick. I can't hold them off her much longer.." He sang.

He got up from his chair and walked away, out of the door, leaving me in full view of the video call. Chan noticed me in an instant and his expression changed from poker face to fearful.

"Y/N! Don't worry I am going to get you out of there! Don't you dare fucking touch her!" He screamed through and his anger echoed in the room, enough for Yoongi to lift his head and scoff at the commotion.

As he bellowed through the phone, the men in the room began approaching me, and out of fear I began to scream, muffled through the gag, and kicked my legs and arms out. 

The call was disconnected while Chan was still shouting and the men grabbed my arms so I was sat up, and one began to unzip his trouser fly. This wasn't just to antagonise Chan, that man wasn't bluffing.

My gag was pulled down and I glared back.

"I wouldn't if I were you.." Yoongi interrupted the men.

"Shut the fuck up, who even are you to say that to us!" One of the men spat.

"Who am I? Who the fuck am I? I can fucking end your life you motherfucker." Yoongi raged.

"And I'll bite your cock off you cunt." I hissed. Fuck this, I'm not being treated like a fucking damsel in distress.

One of the men smacked me round the head and I lost balance, falling flat on my stomach.

"Rip this fucking dress open!" one of the men ordered, the other four lunged at me.

I could feel their hands all over me, tearing the fabric open like a child on Christmas day.

I screamed, clawing at their arms and faces to get off me.

I noticed Yoongi stand up and charge against his restraints, trying to break free.

I was left in my underwear, completely vulnerable and exposed to attack.

I was pulled like a ragdoll and my head was secured down so my ass was in the air. They squeezed my body while every ounce of me struggled to fight them off. One of the men took hold of the straps of my panties and began the slide them down.

Yoongi leapt over, somehow having pulled the shackles off the concrete wall, and wrapped the chains that held his wrists together around that man's neck, pulling tightly to cut his air supply. He pulled so hard that the chains spilt apart. The mans body fell limp to the floor.

He proceeded to rip the remaining men off me so I could get to my feet. 

Yoongi positioned himself in front of me and put his fists up, ready to fight them.

"Why are you doing this?" I whispered behind him.

He ignored me, and instead pulled off his hoody and handed it to me to put on. It smelled of tobacco and aftershave, but was warm and felt comforting in that moment. I couldn't put it on though, as I was still tied up, so I held it close to my chest.

Yoongi then charged at the men, landing punches and slashing them with the chains that dangled from his wrists. He flattened them instantly. He was quick and precise with his movements, easily beating a group of ogres that just slung their weight in their fists. 

He rooted in their pockets, found a key card, a pistol and a master padlock key. Bingo.

He unlocked each of our wrist restraints  and waved the key card over the door. It beeped and Yoongi opened it, checking the coast was clear before pulling me out and sprinting stealthily down the hallway, gun raised ready to take down anyone in our path. 

I pulled the hoody over my body while running and we followed exit signs. 

We tried a fire exit door and as we stumbled out, alarms began blaring in the building.

We realised we were in a dingy building in the same neighhourhood as Tommys place, and proceeded to sprint down a side alley, trying to put as much distance between us and those people as possible.

The adrenaline was the only thing keeping me going at this point, until the shock hit me like a truck. I collapsed to the floor, hitting the concrete hard and grazing my knees and hands. I cried out upon impact and tears began to fall from my eyes. I looked up to Yoongi and He ran back over and helped me to my feet. He dragged me further away into the darkness.

He suddenly pulled me to the side, and we stood under a back door way of one of the buildings. I was still crying and all he could think to do was pull me in for a hug.

My mind was in bits. I had been kidnapped, assaulted, then protected and rescued by someone who tried to kidnap and assault me a few weeks ago, and now I'm being comforted by him? I just couldn't grasp it. What the fuck.

We crouched down in the doorway and Yoongi put his arm around me.

"I know you're likely wondering why I helped you, and honestly, I'm confused as well. But the last few days being locked up by the people who I thought I trusted, has made me realise a few things, and I regret a lot of decisions I made. I have been angry for a long time, but now I know it was at the wrong people."

I looked at Yoongi. He looked a broken man, ashamed of his past actions. Like he wanted to make amends.

"Are you saying.. You're sorry?" My voice cracked.

He looked at me, frowning.

"I'm more than sorry, Y/N. Chan should have just killed me, the world doesn't need people like me in it."

"Don't be silly. Chan could never kill you. You are still important to him." I reassured. Every part of me wanted to scream at him for putting me through hell, but I think if someone's willing to change, they should at least be given a chance to do so.

"Why did they have you? What happened?"

"I was forced into rehab by Namjoon, I had only been there a few days until those bastards from YG took me in the night. I think they are targeting each member of Bangtan and The Kids, and you and I were clearly easy pickings. But I can't work out where they are getting their intel..."

It was cold, so I huddled closer to him, and he took my hands in his to keep them warm.

"Yoongi, we need to try to get hold of Chan. He is walking straight into a trap!" I panicked. 

"I'm sorry, Y/N.. but if he's already there. It would be pointless. I'll try call a cab and we can go straight to The Kids place. If I know Chan, there's a chance he stayed to get a plan together. But that's probably the best place to go right now."

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