Chapter 32: wheat field

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Shi Yuan and Lu Tinghan walked side by side in the wheat field, the wind was filled with the smell of hot grass and trees.

Shi Yuan said, "I've never seen a wheat field before."

"This is the largest wheat field in existence." Lu Tinghan said, "Since the establishment of the alliance, Gleaming City has become a food supply place because of its superior geographical conditions, and its name is also derived from this."

"I heard Xia Fang said it before, but I didn't expect it to look like this." Shi Yuan looked around curiously, and asked, "What are those machines?"

They were walking on the small **** at this time, and they could clearly see that the wheat field was divided into different areas. From south to north, one group had just been sown, one group was turning green and jointing, and the other group had been filled and matured. Huge machines are still roaming the fields, spraying water mist, removing weeds, hoeing and loosening the soil, and fertilizing the wheat.

"Agricultural robots," Lu Tinghan replied, "They take care of the wheat fields and save manpower."

Shi Yuan asked again: "Did people tend the wheat fields before?"

Lu Tinghan: "Well, before the alliance realized full automation of agriculture, it was done by manpower from sowing to ripening. Most farmers had to work from dawn to dusk, clean ditches, prevent and control pests, and occasionally natural disasters would affect the harvest. At that time, wheat Its growth cycle is long, usually one to two hundred days, unlike the current selected varieties, which mature in six to seventy days, can be harvested in four seasons, and have high yields in a limited space."

"So that's how it is." Shi Yuan said, "What about after the harvest?"

"After harvesting, they're turned into bread, steamed buns, biscuits, and your favorite noodles."

"Wow! How did you know that?!"

"Food is an important strategic resource, and I always want to know about it." Lu Tinghan said, "But from the perspective of agriculture, I am not a professional, I only know the surface."

"You already know a lot, much more than me." Shi Yuan especially admired him, "...Then why did we come here? Do you like wheat fields?"

Lu Tinghan smiled: "I told you, I think you will like it."

Shi Yuan really liked it here.

He liked such a strange and magnificent sight.

Usually, when he ate bread and noodles, he didn't think about where the raw materials came from. Only after seeing it with his own eyes did he realize the prosperity of human civilization again-they were walking among the fields in the breeze, and Lu Tinghan told him , Since ancient times, how did people select and breed strong seeds, prevent disasters and prevent damage, and how did robots replace manpower step by step, forming a complete system of sowing, caring, and harvesting.

Very interesting story.

From primitive tribes where men plow and women weave, human beings have overcome drought and floods, driving away birds and locusts, to today's fully automated production, a small piece of land can support half of the people in the city. Every time the wheat is harvested, the wheat is loaded onto transport trucks, which drive out of the city one by one to the distant Fengyang City and the main city.

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