Chapter 50: Jinhuai River and Dream

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Alliance March 1, 242, Fengyang City Detention Center.

Lu Tinghan stood behind the one-way glass. In the interrogation room, a man with a short hair was handcuffed tightly to the seat.

The inch-cut man's name was Jiang Huachi, and he was a retired soldier.

Last year when the alliance announced that the peak season was coming, he forged a pass and took Xia Fang and four other residents out of the city privately to Fengyang. On the way they were attacked by monsters, two were killed and three were injured, and all the survivors were arrested.

- Lu Tinghan told Shi Yuan this way.

The actual situation is more complicated. In addition to smuggling, Jiang Huachi also has 70 needles of military inhibitors in the trunk of his off-road vehicle.

Military inhibitors are expensive and cannot be used by civilians. If they are circulated in the market, the sellers can make a huge fortune-that is wealth that can make people bleed with envy in the last days.

"Jiang Huachi, male, 52 years old, enlisted in the army in 211, made a second-class personal contribution in 220, served as the captain of Fengyang City's third technical team in 226, and was dismissed because of a major mistake in 236." The adjutant reported, "What happened in 236 Yes..."

"I know." Lu Tinghan said, "I signed the verdict that he was ordered to discharge from the army."

According to the law of the alliance, Jiang Huachi went to a military court. After the judge made a ruling, the result would be signed by the head of the region.

Lu Tinghan is the person in charge.

-In 236, Lu Tinghan was still in the observation tower of Abyss 0. He has commanded countless battles through the optical brain, proved his ability, and won the rank of lieutenant general, mainly responsible for the command of Fengyang City.

Jiang Huachi was not the only one who went to court-martial, there were many people worse than him, but Lu Tinghan always had a good memory.

Jiang Huachi was supposed to be tried in Fengyang City, but he and several suspects were ordered to be transferred to the main city because of "coordinating the trial forces of the two cities".

The order came in a strange way.

It was terminated strangely, it was Lu Tinghan himself who stopped it.

Jiang Huachi yelled and cursed in the interrogation room: "I, just, ask, you, who the **** ordered to stop the transfer? I have seen the documents, how can there be any reason for revocation! Where did this come from? rule?!"

"It's an order from above." The soldier replied coldly.

"Which boss?" Jiang Huachi shouted, the handcuffs clanging, "Tell me your name, I'm a veteran, I've never seen such an outrageous order! You're abusing your power-"

"It's my order."

Jiang Huachi was stunned for a moment, turned around, saw that it was Lu Tinghan, his eyes widened, and he didn't say a word, like a duck with its neck choked.

...what happened? His mind is in a mess, why is Lu Tinghan here?

Is this something worthy of the admiral coming over in person?

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