pter 17: first act

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Generals are generally accompanied by officers, especially in public places, and this time is no exception. Lu Tinghan was accompanied by two officers, both of whom could be counted as the audience attracted by Shi Yuan, and his performance tripled.

At this time, it was not yet time for the performance, and there was no one at the entrance of the theater. Shi Yuan wandered around and led Lu Tinghan to find Qin Luoluo.

Qin Luoluo was fighting a mop in the corridor outside the utility room. The mop has just been bought for three days, and the quality is really not good enough. The head of the mop is bald and almost broken in the middle. She lifted it, frowned her delicate eyebrows in disgust, and was looking for the manufacturer's logo.

Shi Yuan called out: "Miss Qin."

Qin Luo didn't raise his head: "Hurry up and call Xia Fang over for me, this is his chore, I don't want to do it for him."

"I brought the audience here." Shi Yuan said.

"Come so early? First go to the second floor to find Xia Fang and ask him to register information." Qin Luoluo turned her head and put on a standard business smile, "Why is this gentleman..."

She met Lu Tinghan's eyes.

Qin Luoluo: "..." The mop in her hand snapped into two pieces with a clang and was completely useless.

Words can't describe her state, she was shocked, puzzled and confused, all blended together, because it was too complex, facial muscles couldn't express, she opened her mouth wide, her expression was like the famous painting "The Scream".

Qin Luoluo's exe has lost its response.

Shi Yuan didn't notice that Qin Luoluo was down, he took Lu Tinghan up to the second floor.

The place Xia Fang was in was the office area, and outsiders were not allowed to enter, so Shi Yuan could only find him alone. Before leaving, he seriously said to Lu Tinghan, "I will help you get a fake identity."

Lu Tinghan said, "Fake identity?"

"Maybe you can deceive people." Shi Yuan said, "I still think it's not good to reveal your identity."

Lu Tinghan looked at him for two seconds, and I don't know if it was Shi Yuan's illusion, but he saw something in Lu Tinghan's eyes...interested?

Lu Tinghan: "Then let's try."

Shi Yuan went to find Xia Fang.

Xia Fang was sorting out the audience list for tonight, Shi Yuan said to him: "I brought the audience here, I need to register."

Xia Fang looked up in surprise: "You actually brought someone here! I even bet five yuan with Lao Cheng, I said you can definitely bring someone, but he said you can't, I will ask him for money later. Come on Come on, what's his name, the audience?"

It wasn't the first day that Xia Fang fell into a money hole. In the morning, he said that the troupe's salary was low and there were too many things to do. In the afternoon, he said that it was better to accompany men. As for the evening, he probably spent time at the bar trying to develop clients-Shi Yuan had long been used to him. The process has to be listened to every day.

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