082. three months early

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Sam and Dean get back to the bunker.

"Yo, mom!" Dean calls out. "Mom! Rissa? Jack? Mom? Hey, Jack?"

"Babe?" Sam calls out. "Thena?" He checks their rooms, but still doesn't find them. "Lissy? Athena?"

"Nothing." Sam says, walking into the library where Dean is sitting with two beers.

"They probably just stopped for a bite on the way back. You know how mom gets after a hunt. Plus, Rissa's pregnant, so she's all for food too." Dean says.

"Yeah. True that." Sam says. "But Lissy willingly eating with mom? I feel like she'd rather starve."

"Well, assuming a certain adorable six year old isn't here, I'm assuming that they have her. She needs food too." Dean says.

"Right." Sam mumbles.

"Well, hey, here's to another miraculous Sam Winchester survival. Got to say, man, if Jack hadn't healed you..." Dean says.

"You know, lately, it feels like we'd be up the creek without that kid. I mean, first, he takes care of Michael, and then Nick." Dean says.

"Kind of sounds like you're bummed about it." Sam says.

"No. Get out of jail free card? I'll take that." Dean says. He pulls his phone out.

"Gonna try mom?" Sam asks.

"Yeah." Dean nods. Sam grabs his phone and calls Larissa.

They hear two phones start ringing and turn their heads to the direction it's coming from. They get up and Sam grabs the phone that's on the other library table, recognizing it being his wife's.

He stares at the contact photo, it being Sam smiling at the camera and Athena is asleep on his lap. Sam declines the call and walks over to where Dean is standing at the map table and holding Mary's phone.

"Looks like they left in a hurry." Dean says.

"Try Jack." Sam says.

~ ~ ~

"Yeah. Thanks. Okay. All right, thanks." Sam hangs his phone up.

"What did Jody say?" Dean asks.

"She hasn't heard anything. You?" Sam asks.

"Nada. Left voicemails for Donna, Charlie, Bobby." Dean says. "Rowena?"

"Yeah. Just got off the phone with her. She says she has a spell that might track them down." Sam says.

"Okay, well, that's good." Dean says. His phone starts ringing and he answers it. "Hey, Cas."

"I got your message. Nick was trying to raise Lucifer?" Cas asks.

"Yeah." Dean says.

"Where is he now?"

"I don't, uh-- kid said he took care of him. So, right now, we're just trying to find Jack, Rissa, Athy, and mom."

"Are they together?"



"Y-yeah. Why do you-- yes, Cas, they were together, alone, the four of them. Well, four and a half."

"What's he saying?" Sam asks.

"I don't..." Dean shakes his head, shrugging. "Cas?"

"I, um..." Cas trails off.

"If you have something to tell us, now's the time." Dean says.

"I saw Jack. He-- he-- he did something when I got home with Sam. I went to check on him, and Felix was sick." Cas informs.

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