079. different wife

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Larissa walks into the kitchen where Dean and Cas are talking.

"How's the kid?" Dean asks Cas.

" Well, he says he's good, but..." Cas shakes his head. "How's Sam?" Cas asks.

"He says he's good." Dean says. "I think they're both full of shit."

"He doesn't sleep. He barely eats. He doesn't play with Athena. He doesn't kiss my bump anymore, and barely kisses or hugs me. He refuses to talk about anything. The most I ever hear him talk is when he's talking about a case or trying to read Thena a bedtime story to his fastest ability."

"Found us a case." Sam walks in with his tablet. "Arkansas."

"We've just done three back to back hunts. I need some rest. At least a night. We both do." Dean states.

"Yeah, well, I'm leaving in ten." Sam walks out.

"Like I said, not good." Dean says.

"That's it. I'm going with him." Larissa says.

"You're pregnant." Dean says.

"No shit, Sherlock. I didn't say I was gonna go in and kill the thing, but I'm going with him." Larissa says.

"Maybe I should go, too. And you can stay with Jack." Cas tells Dean.

"Why?" Dean asks.

"You were right. Jack is struggling. And I've tried, but--"

"Why do you think he'll talk to me?"

"Well, because he looks up to you. And his soul -- I mean, you've seen this before."

"Yeah, and that worked out well." Larissa scoffs.

"Yeah, no ,sh-she's right. See, I was-- I was not great with Sam, you know, when he was, uh..."

"But Jack's soul isn't completely gone. At least I don't think so. W-We just don't know how much is left."

"Well, how am I supposed to figure that out?"

"I don't know. Just talk to him. Get him to open up. And then sleep until the cows come home."

"That's the saying." Dean says as Cas leaves.

"And you can also watch Athena." Larissa says.

"Oh, come on." Dean groans. "Babysitter Dean? Really?"

"Really." Larissa nods.

"I'm gonna be broke after an hour." Dean says.

"Well... don't swear so much." Larissa says, walking out. She walks into the bedroom, Sam repacking his bag.

"Sammy? Don't you wanna... you know, take a nap or something?" Larissa asks.

"No. No, I'm good." Sam denies.

"Okay. Well, I'm going on the hunt with you." Larissa says.

"What? N-no, Lissy, you-- with your pregnancy, and--"

"Sam, I'm gonna go, and you're not gonna stop me. Dean's not going, so Cas and I are backing you up." Larissa says.

"What about Athena?"

"Dean's gonna watch her. You're not talking me out of this, and if you try to leave without me, I will shoot you in the dick."

"Okay. Yeah, fine. Just... meet at the car in ten." Sam says, grabbing his bag and walking out.


"So we're looking for a witch?" Cas asks as the three get out of the car.

"Exploding heads. Sounds like a witch. Or a demon. Maybe." Sam yawns.

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