053. "i'm always right."

532 24 17

Sam and Larissa are sitting in the library and Sam is on the phone with Jody. Athena is on Larissa's lap, still attached to her mother's hip.

"Yeah, yeah, no, I hear you. Yeah, thank you, Jody. Yeah." Sam says before hanging the phone up as Dean walks in.

"What's up?" Dean asks.

"You'll never believe this. I got a call from Missouri Moseley." Sam states.

"Wow. What's it been, like, a decade?" Dean asks.

"More." Sam corrects.

"How is she?" Dean asks.

"Not great. She said that she got out of the life for a while, but something happened and she needed help with a case, so I put Jody on it." Sam explains.

"Why would you do that?" Dean asks.

"Because we need to stay here. We need to help Jack learn how to control his powers. Jody can handle this."

"Yeah, maybe she can. Or maybe she ends up dead because you wanted to skip out on her to babysit the Antichrist."

"Dean, we need him."

"No, don't."


"Don't. You... if you want to stay here and Mr. Miyagi this kid, knock yourself out. I didn't sign up for that. So I'm going to go to work." Dean walks out.


Jack and Larissa are sitting at a table and Athena is on her mom's lap.

"Train me. To what?" Jack asks.

"I've seen what you can do, Jack. You're powerful, but you have to learn to control it. You know, to focus." Sam says, sitting down.

"So I don't hurt anyone anymore." Jack says.

"Exactly. See this pencil?" He holds a pencil up before putting it on the table in front of Jack. "I want you to move it. With your mind."

"That's it?" Jack asks.

"That's it." Sam nods.

Jack stares at the pencil, Larissa and Sam watching him. Jack glances up at them and Sam nods to the pencil.

"He's not doing anything." Athena comments.

"And that would be our cue to go and learn about timing." Larissa picks Athena up and walks out of the room.


Larissa is in the kitchen and making macaroni and cheese. Athena is standing on a chair next to the stove, watching her mom cook, and Larissa lets her stir every now and then.

"Daddy!" Athena cheers, seeing him walk in.

"Hey, baby." Sam manages a small smile.

"How's training going?" Larissa asks.

"Uh... nowhere." Sam says with a heavy sigh.

"You know, maybe pressuring him... and intensely staring at him while he tries to move a pencil, isn't really the best move." Larissa says.

"Well, then what is?" Sam asks.

"I don't know." Larissa covers Athena's ears. "We're still fucking up this kid, and we've got more years under our belt with her, too." She states and Sam can't help the small laugh that escapes.

"Not to mention he's a Nephilim, so kind of already a different ballgame, anyway." Larissa adds.

"Yeah." Sam scoffs. Larissa uncovers Athena's ears, walking closer to Sam. "Look, Sam, we will figure this out. But being too pushy isn't gonna get you anywhere. It's not we stared at Athena until she was potty trained. We worked with her. Guided her through it."

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