020. teenage dean

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Sam knocks on Dean's bedroom door, him and Larissa walking in. Dean is sitting on the floor with a large book in his lap and his back is against the side of his bed.

"Hey." Sam greets.

"Hey." Dean says.

"Caught a case." Sam says, handing Dean his tablet. "Apparently, something is taking people and leaving their clothes.

"Hmm. About time this gig got an R rating." Dean says making Larissa lightly roll her eyes. "All right. Why don't you two check it out? I'll hold down the fort." He holds the tablet out to them.

"Dean, you haven't left the bunker in a week." Sam says.

"And?" Dean asks, tossing the tablet onto his bed after neither of them take it.

"And you can't just live the rest of your life locked up in this room." Sam says.

"I don't know. I got three hots and a cot. Could be worse." Dean says.

"Look, I know you're worried about the mark." Sam says.

"Yes, Sam. I am. Between what I did to Charlie--"

"Charlie forgave you. How about you forgive yourself?"

"Because I'm not exactly batting 1,000 here, you know? I mean, I don't-- I don't even trust myself alone with Athena."

"We do." Larissa says.

"I know that, Dean, but staying locked up in here, sitting on the ground reading the same lore books over and over and over again, it's not helping you. You need to get back in the game for your own good. You can beat this, Dean." Sam says.

"Do you really believe that?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, you're damn right I believe that." Sam nods.

"You know, you also believed in the Easter Bunny till you were 12." Dean says.

"No I didn't." Sam argues.

"You did?" Larissa asks.

"No." Sam denies. He looks between them. "Look, I was 11."

"And a half." Dean adds.

"And a half. Right." Sam says.

"That's adorable." Larissa smiles.

"You believed in Santa until you were 13." Sam retorts.

"Dude." Larissa smacks Sam in the chest. "Only you and Jo were allowed to know that." She hisses.

"Sorry." Sam says as he lightly laughs. He turns back to Dean who is smiling a little. "So?"

"Okay." Dean relents, closing the book.


They're outside a bar and talking to a homeless guy, Larissa holding Athena.

"And then-then-- then there was this bright light, and -- bam -- the dude's just gone. Nothing left but, uh..."

"Cheap suit and a pair of florsheims?" Dean asks.

"Pretty much." The homeless guy says.

"You see anyone else?" Sam asks.

"No, sir, officer."

"And what about, uh, a chill? Or did you smell any rotten eggs?" Dean asks.

"What? No, man. Uh... I smelled flowers, though." The guy says.

"You smelled flowers? What kind of flowers?" Sam asks.

"Flowery flowers." The guy says.

"Flowery flowers." Sam repeats annoyed. Larissa hides her smile at his annoyed expression.

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