072. hatchet man

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Sam knocks on Dean's bedroom door.

"Yo." Dean calls and Sam opens the door, him and Larissa walking in.

"Hey." Sam says.

"Hey." Dean says, taking a bite of his pizza. He's lying on his stomach on his bed and watching a horror movie.

"What you doing?" Sam asks.

"Horror marathon on Shocker. Just made my way through the Halloweens and now I'm about to... really? Still with the beard?" Dean asks.

"Uh... her opinion matters more." Sam says, pointing at Larissa who grins.

"Since when?" Dean asks.

"Since, uh... she has very convincing ways to get me to do what she wants." Sam says and Larissa smirks.

"Ugh." Dean grimaces. "God, there goes my appetite." He tosses the piece of pizza into the box.

"Relax. She just threatened to kick me out of the room if I shaved." Sam says. "Although--"

"No. No. No. Stop." Dean holds his hand up.

"I love making him uncomfortable." Larissa grins and Sam chuckles.

"Hey, uh, anyways, I wanted to check up on you." Sam tells his brother. "You doing okay? I mean, you haven't really come out of your room in almost a week."

"Well, since when is okay part of this job, huh? Yeah, Cas is, you know, showing Jack the ropes and Dark Kaia and her spear are in the wind and we have no clue where Michael is or what he's up to. And not that I'm complaining, but the house is full of strangers, so."

"So, your plan is to just lay in here watching Hatchet Man movies? Seriously?" Sam asks.

"All Saints Day is a classic." Dean says.

"Time to slice and dice." Hatchet Man says.

"Oh, is it?" Sam asks.

"What do you care, you don't even like scary movies." Dean says.

"Well, yeah, Dean, our life is a scary movie." Sam says.

"Exactly." Dean says.

"All right, well, I hate to disturb your marathon, but I think I found us a case." Sam says.

"More Michael monsters?" Dean asks.

"No, killer toy." Sam says.

"What kind of toy?" Dean asks. Sam puts his tablet on Dean's bed and hitting play on a video.

"--And then the thing fucking jumped me! I Mean, it wouldn't stop. It was over and over..." The video continues as Dean looks bored. "Panthro kicked my ass."

"Thundercats? Seriously?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. But, I mean, you've got your pizza, at least eight more of these movies, so Lissy and I will just leave you to it and I'll get one of the other guys--"

"Oh, hell no. Hell no. No, Panthro, that's mine." Dean says, getting up.


"What if we're talking, like, one toy gone bad or it's like a whole crew, you know?" Dean asks as the three walk towards the comic shop. "Like public master style."

"Do you actually want there to be more than one?" Sam asks.

"I don't know." Dean shrugs.

Kids in Halloween costumes pass, yelling "Boo" at the group. Sam backs away, letting a weird noise out, failing at to pretend he's scared.

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