002. wicked witch of the west

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While Sam and Dean had went to find Cas, Larissa stayed back at the bunker with Athena. Cas did get killed, but Dean just told everybody that he made a deal with the reaper who killed him saying that if she brought Cas back he wouldn't kill her. Though, Cas got brought back and she was killed. Even though none of them aside from Dean really know what actually happened.

"You know, you never answered my question. How did you know where to find Cas?" Sam asks.

"I told you. I went through Maurice's pockets. I found an address and took a shot." Dean says.

"I never saw you go through Maurice's pockets." Sam says, handing Larissa a burrito. She lights up at the food making Sam softly smile, partly in love and partly in amusement.

"What are you talking about? I don't see half of the nerdy stuff that you do. It doesn't mean that you don't do nerdy stuff." Dean says.

"I am really enjoying this place." Cas says, walking in. Sam sits on the table next to Larissa's chair, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Plentiful food. Good water pressure. Things I never even considered before. There really is a lot to being human, isn't there?"

"It ain't all just burritos and strippers, my friend." Dean says.

"Yeah. I understand what you're saying." Cas says.

"You do?" Sam asks.

"Yes, there's more to humanity than survival. You... look for purpose, and you must not be defeated by anger or despair. Or hedonism, for that matter." Cas says.

"Where does hedonism come into it?" Dean asks.

"Well, my time with April was very educational." Cas says.

"Yeah. I mean, I would think that getting killed is something." Sam says.

"Think? Don't you know? Aren't you guys, like, fucking experts in this area?" Larissa says.

"And having sex." Cas states. Dean and Larissa both choke on their burritos, Athena looking up at her mom confused when she starts coughing.

"You had sex with April?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, that would be where the hedonism comes in." Sam says, him and Cas awkwardly nodding at each other.

"So... did you have protection?" Dean asks.

"I had my angel blade." Cas says. Larissa chokes on her burrito again.

"Oh-- oh, he had the angel blade." Dean says.

"Um..." Sam mumbles.

"In any event, I-- I do now see how difficult life can be and how well you have led it. And I think you'll be great teachers." Cas says.

"Thanks, Cas." Dean says.

"Are there any more burritos?" Cas asks.

"Uh, yes." Dean points to the kitchen and Cas walks out.

"Our little Cas. He gave it up to a reaper. That is--"

"Castiel cannot stay here." Larissa looks up at Sam. "He will bring the angels down on all of us."

"Is, um... is this who I think it is?" Larissa asks.

"Yeah." Dean tells her. "And no, no, he's got the Enochian tattoo. He's warded."

"He was warded when April found him, and she killed him." Ezekiel says.

Athena starts to whine, leaning away from her father. Larissa picks her up, walking a bit away from Sam -- or Ezekiel -- and she comforts her baby.

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