087. anything for kids

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Larissa is asleep, but wakes up when she feels the bed move and Sam's warmth leave. She opens her eyes, watching him sit up and realizes he's breathing heavily.

"Sammy?" She groggily calls. "Baby, you okay?"

"I-- ye-yeah. Yeah, no, I'm... I'm fine." Sam says.

"You sure?" She asks.

"Yeah. Yeah. Just... just go back to sleep. I'm okay." Sam says, rubbing her shoulder.


Dean is parked at the high school of the case they're working on. He's leaning against the Impala and eating a bag of pretzels. Larissa is leaning against the side of the car, Athena and Liam sitting in the backseat.

"Hey." Sam greets, walking over. "Any luck at the morgue?" He asks his brother.

Dean tosses Sam a small plastic container.

"Is that a...?" Sam asks.

"Vamp fang." Dean states.

"Vampires drain their victims. Vamps don't rip their bodies apart." Sam says.

"Apparently this one does. And it gets a little weirder. Coroner said that there were no signs of defensive wounds, so it's like she didn't even fight." Dean says.

"So, whoever killed her, maybe it was someone she knew. And according to the vice principal, she kind of knew everyone." Sam says.

"Oh, that's awesome." Dean says sarcastically. "That's awesome." He states, watching the mascot ride a scooter. "Ha! You see that beaver?" He asks as he gets into the car.


They're at the crime scene of where Susie's body was found.

"So, this is where they found Susie's body?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. You notice what's missing?" Dean asks.

"Blood." Sam says.

"So, how does a freak gut a girl and not make a mess?" Dean questions.

"By killing her somewhere else and dumping her here." Sam says.

"Looks like." Dean says.

"Yeah. Great." Sam scoffs.

"Well, local police are freaked. Never seen anything like this. They got no idea how to deal." Dean says.

"Of course not. That's our job. We keep them from dealing with the truth, with what's out there, and we carry the weight. It's great. Meanwhile, they get to go back to living in their white picket fence bubbles."

"You know, ever since you were a kid, you wanted to live in a town like this. Lame, normal..."

"Yeah, we don't get normal. And these towns, everything's the end of the world. You're late for work, your kid doesn't get into the right school -- whatever. They don't-- they have no idea what's out there."

Sam's phone rings and he takes it out of his pocket. "Huh." He hums, looking at the caller before answering. "Vice Principal Bailey? Yes. Really? Of course, uh, on our way." Sam hangs up. "We got another one."


"Seriously? We're questioning mascots now?" Sam asks, him and Larissa walking over to Dean is holding Liam and Athena's hand as the school mascot rides away on his scooter.

"Smart kid. He's actually got a full ride to IU. Don't underestimate the mascot, man. The guy's got access. He knows a lot about cheerleaders. In a mostly non-creepy kind of way. Anyway, so, turns out Susie was in charge. Then with her gone, Tori was set to take over, except..."

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