081. nick's plan

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Larissa sits across from Dean in the library as he attempts to make Mousetrap work. Athena is sitting next to her mom, swinging her legs back and forth and watching her uncle.

"Come on." Dean mutters. "Son of a bitch!"

"Swear jar." Athena grins.

"Oh, come on." Dean groans.

"You know, you'd think you know by now." Larissa comments.

"She takes too much pleasure in this." Dean says, giving his niece a dime.

"Well, duh. You're making her rich." Larissa says.

"Still don't see why we needed a swear jar in the first place." Dean grumbles.

"Sam's idea." Larissa says.

"Well, remind me to kill him later." Dean says making Larissa chuckle.

Mary and Jack walk in with some snacks and drinks.

"Winchester game night is a go. Soon as Sammy gets back here with the two double pepperoni meat blasters, two cheese, and pineapple." Dean says, looking at Jack for the last part.

"I like it." Jack states.

"It's like a crime against humanity." Dean says.

"I'd be more judgmental if I didn't pregnancy cravings, cause those get weird." Larissa says. She grabs the bowl of popcorn and rests it on her bump, eating it.

"You missed a call." Mary hands Dean his phone. He takes it, playing the message he got from Donatello.

"What's wrong?" Mary asks, seeing her son's expression. Dean puts the voicemail on speaker.

"Help me, please! Dean. It's me. It's Donatello."

"Donatello?" Jack asks.

"I need help. You and Sam. Help me, please!" He starts reciting something in a different language. Dean calls Sam, only to get his voicemail.

"Sam's not answering his phone. This whole damn town's a dead zone. All right. We got to go." Dean says.

"What do I do?" Jack asks.

"You three stay here." Dean points to Jack, Larissa, and Athena. "When Sam gets back, play him that voicemail and have him call me on my spare. Got it?" Dean says.

"Got it." Jack nods as Dean and Mary leave.


"I should be there with you." Sam tells Dean over the phone.

"It's fine." Dean assures.

"No, it's not." Sam argues.

"You heard Donny's message, right?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, I did." Sam answers.

"He sounds like he's speaking in tongues -- like he's possessed again."

"No, that's not-- it's not Enochian. I-I-I think it's Ancient Hebrew."

"What's he saying?" Mary asks.

"We don't know yet. I'm still working on it." Sam says.

"All right, well, work fast." Dean says.

"Watch your back." Sam says.

"That's the plan." Dean hangs up.

~ ~ ~

"Wait a second. Wait, wait, wait." Sam replays part of the message. "This-- I know this."

"What?" Jack asks.

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