076. ma'lak box

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Dean walks into Athena's bedroom, finding her peacefully asleep in her bed, a stuffed animal clutched to her chest.

Dean softly smiles, bending down, and placing a soft kiss to his niece's temple.

"Be good for your mama and dad, okay, Athy?" Dean whispers, brushing some of her hair back. "You're still my favorite munchkin."

Dean quietly walks out and makes his way to the kitchen where Larissa is eating leftover pizza.

"Hey." Dean greets.

"Hey." Larissa mumbles, her mouth full of food.

Dean walks over and wraps an arm around her shoulders, hugging her.

"What are you doing?" Larissa asks.

"Nothin'. Nothing." Dean shrugs. He kisses her on the head before ruffling her hair and breaking the hug.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good." Dean nods. "Where's Sam?"

"Library." Larissa answers.

"Cool." Dean nods, walking out.


Sam, Larissa, and Athena get to Donna's cabin and it's nighttime. Sam was worried about Dean given his departure and Larissa refused to let him go alone. They walk around outside, Larissa holding Athena, and all freeze when Dean turns to them with a gun. Athena shrieks, jumping in her mom's arms.

"Dean! Whoa, easy!" Sam holds his hands up, an arm spreading out to be in front of his wife and daughter.

"Dean, what's going on here?" Sam asks.

"It's mom. She's gone." Dean states.

~ ~ ~

"I got his tags, put my guys on it, they're running 'em. I'm sorry." Donna tells them as they stand in her cabin.

"It's not your fault, Donna." Dean says.

"It's mine." Sam says. "Nick said when he left he was just gonna go home. I-I didn't know he was--"

"Killing people?" Dean questions his brother.

"Relax." Larissa harshly whispers, flicking Dean's ear.

"Sheriff?" A voice comes through Donna's radio.

"Yeah. Go for Hanscum." She replies.

"We got that van you were looking for. A traffic cam just caught it puling into a storage facility outside Grand Rapids." The cop informs.

"Copy that. I got it from here." Donna says.

"How far is Grand Rapids?" Dean asks.

"30, 40 minutes." Donna answers.

"We'll be there in 20." Dean states.

"Go." Larissa tells her husband. He quickly kisses her on the lips before rushing after Donna and Dean.


Dean leads Sam and Larissa into the shed, showing them what he was working on.

"It's a Ma'lak box. Secured and warded. Once inside... nothing gets out, not even an archangel. Especially an archangel." Dean explains.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've-- I've read about these, but-but no one's ever-- they're impossible to build." Sam says. "That's your plan? You want to be buried alive?" He asks.

"Buried's not safe enough. Plan is, pay a little hush money, charter a boat to take me out to the Pacific. Splash." Dean says.

"You and Michael, trapped together -- for eternity?" Sam asks.

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