058. helpless

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Sam is still researching in the library when Dean gets back from a beer run, the man whistling as he walks in.

"Hey, uh... I think you might be right. I think maybe it's time we go ahead and call Cas because, I mean, if-if..." Sam trails off as Dean twirls around before putting his stuff on the table.

"You all right?" Sam asks.

"Am I all right? I'm in love." Dean grins.

"You... oh, are you?" Sam asks.

"I mean, I am, like, full on twitterpated here. Seriously, I can't wait for you to meet her either. She-- I mean, she's... she's sweet and she's beautiful and she's just kinda sorta perfect. Anyway, I'm thinking of asking her to move in with me here... if that's cool cause this is big time."

While he talks, he opens a drawer, taking the Black Grimoire out.

"Uh, Dean, w-what are you doing with the Black Grimoire?" Sam asks.

"It's a gift. For Jamie." Dean says.

"For... Jamie?" Sam asks.

"My soulmate." Dean winks.

"Sure. Right. And did she happen to ask for that book by, uh, name?" Sam asks.

"Yeah! I mean, isn't that kind of cosmic fate that we actually have it?" Dean asks. "Like..." He mimics a head explosion.

""Cosmic fate." Right, yeah. Okay, okay, okay. I think I know what's going on here. Do you remember, uh, uh, Becky in Vegas? The love spell." Sam recalls.

"No." Dean shakes his head.

"Okay, I think Jamie must be a witch or demon--"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."


"Be nice. Cause she's got a sister. And if you play your cards right, you know, you guys might fall for each other. You know, the less attractive siblings, they fall in love. That's kind of cute, right?"

"Dean, I have a wife." Sam reminds him.

"I thought you two got divorced." Dean says.

"What? No. I... I hurt her -- again -- and I can't get her alone enough long enough to apologize because... cause she's always walking away." Sam says. "That's not the point right now. Dean, Just hold on a second."

"I can't wait cause she's waiting for me at the market, so I'm just gonna--" Dean goes for his keys, but Sam grabs them.

"Okay. All right. That's fine. You know why? I'll walk cause it is, gorgeous outside." He says and he sings the last two words.

"Wait a second. Dean, listen, honestly--" Sam grabs Dean's shoulders, the older one swinging around and punching Sam who falls to the floor, unconscious.

"Ooh. RIght on the button. Listen, when I get back from my date, I'm going to help you ice that, okay? All right, thanks. Good talk, pal! Good talk!" Dean calls out as he leaves.

~ ~ ~

Sam soon woke up and rushes to find Larissa, finding her in the kitchen and grabbing a handful of cookies she just baked.

"Lissy, Lissy." He runs over to her.

"Sam--" She starts.

"No, no, listen. Dean's in love. Or he thinks he is." Sam says. Larissa bursts out laughing.

"Yeah, right." She giggles.

"Lissy, he's-he's under a spell. Like Becky in Vegas." Sam says.

"What, Becky wants him too now?" Larissa jokes.

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