048. "i want to hate him but i can't."

587 24 18

Larissa got to Jody's yesterday and spent most of the day crying so she wasn't really able to explain why she was there. Now, they both sit at the kitchen table while Athena is at daycare and Alex is at the hospital.

"I just..." Larissa sniffles. "I can't believe he would do this. I mean, after... after everything and-and after the last time we broke up or-or whatever the hell we did, I just... I want to hate him so much but I can't and it pisses me off."

"I'm so sorry, honey. Trust me, next time I see that boy, he is getting his ass handed to him." Jody promises. Larissa manages to smile a little.

"I really wish he didn't buy into their whole... saving the world thing. I mean, maybe they are saving people and killing monsters, sure, but... but we were doing just fine before. You know, we've both been in the hunter life since we were kids -- with a few exceptions. But... but he just agreed."

"I mean, he's even the one who called them when they were trying to find Lucifer when he was possessing the president. And now I mean, maybe he's not completely on their side, but he's still working with them and I just... I don't know. I-- he lied to me and he made me work for them for two weeks, saying that he was just finding cases, but really it was Mick fucking texting him."

"I-- I don't know if I can trust him. He's working with people who killed our baby and he had next to no issue lying to me about it. Even if he feels guilty, I can't... I don't know what to do."

"Well, you stay here as long as you need to. And talk to Sam when you're ready." Jody says. "He still doesn't know what you and Mary fought about? Or that she hit you?"

"No. I didn't wanna tell him. And then he told me about working with the Brits and I just wanted to punch him. I mean, I did, but... should I tell him?" Larissa asks.

"Think it's up to you." Jody says. "Unless Mary tells him."

"Yeah, like she's gonna tell him." Larissa scoffs. "She knows he'd hate her if she did, she's not saying a fucking word. Unless she twists it around and makes me the bad guy."

"Sam knows you better than he knows his mom. He'd be on your side." Jody says.

"Yeah, that's what I thought, too. But right now, he's kind of on hers." Larissa says.

Jody sadly sighs and gets up, hugging Larissa to her chest.

"We'll figure it out, sweetheart." Jody promises, rubbing Larissa's arm.

"Can we talk about something else?" Larissa asks.

"Of course." Jody says, grabbing her mug and refilling it with some coffee.

"How's Claire doing?" Larissa asks. "I mean, Alex is obviously doing pretty great."

"Yeah. Yeah, Alex is doing good. Claire is out looking at different colleges." Jody informs.

"Does she like any of them?" Larissa asks.

"I don't know. Got a text from her last night, she said the campus is nice. That's all, though." Jody says with a small shrug.

"Athena hasn't been bad or anything?" Larissa asks.

"No. No, not at all. Your little girl is a perfect angel. And much less angsty than my girls." Jody says making Larissa let out a small laugh. "It's nicer dealing with the problems of a four year old than of teenagers."

"Well... makes me excited for ten years from now." Larissa comments.

"Oh, yeah. You are gonna have a blast." Jody sarcastically comments. "Especially if she's anything like you guys... which she is."

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