035. dean's sacrifice

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"You know what?" Dean slams an empty beer onto the table. "This isn't gonna be enough. I better make a run. No reason to die sober, huh? You want to?" He asks Sam.

"No!" Sam says in frustration.

"Be right back." Dean says.

"I'll stay here, find our plan B." Sam says.

"Okay, Cas, come on." Dean says as Rowena walks in.

"Teapot?" Rowena asks. The four share dumbfounded looks.


Sam and Larissa walk into the library where everybody else -- aside from Dean and Cas -- are. Athena is sitting at one of the tables alone and has Cheez Its all over it.

"Samantha! And the one who wears the pants in the relationship!" Crowley exclaims.

"W-What are we doing?" Sam asks.

"Nothing." Rowena answers.

"Exactly!" Sam shouts. "Amara's out there eating the fucking sun, and-and we're doing nothing."

"And you have a better idea?" Crowley wonders.

"Yes. Anything." Sam says. "That's my better idea, because anything is better than this."

"Sam. I get it. Even if we could lock Amara away, it wouldn't do any good. I'm dying... and when I'm gone, a cosmic balance between light and dark-- it's over." Chuck says.

"All right." Sam says. "Then if we can't cage her, we have to kill her."

"Bingo." Crowley says.

~ ~ ~

Dean and Cas are back after Sam called his brother to get back to the bunker.

"Wait, so now you want to kill the Darkness?" Dean asks. He turns to Chuck. "You're cool with this? Cause, you know, last time..."

"Look, Chuck's dying." Sam says and Chuck looks at him. "Uh, no offense, God."

"Yeah, no, I... I'm dying." Chuck says. "So, we don't really have a choice. I mean, look, y-you've got darkness and light. You take one side away and--"

"It upsets the scales -- the whole balance of the universe." Cas says.

"Exactly. But you take both away, and now both sides of the scale are empty, so..." Sam says.

"Of course. It's balanced." Cas says.

"Right. Yes. Okay. Uh, and look, hey, I'm game. But how exactly are we gonna do this?" Dean asks. "I mean, Lucifer hit her with a-a Hand of God and, well, we saw how that turned out."

"Yeah." Sam mumbles.

"She does seem impossible to destroy." Cas says.

"Right. Is she, Chuck?" Sam asks.

"Well, I... I mean, well... I... I-I--"

"Chuck!" Dean and Cas exclaim.

"All right. Fine." Chuck sighs. "The Darkness might-- might have a weakness. Light." He walks over to Crowley and takes the bottle of alcohol. 

"He tells us now." Crowley remarks.

"What? I-I just wanted to trap her. I didn't want to murder her." Chuck says.

"Okay, but now that we're trying to end her, how much light are we talking about?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. 10,000 suns set to supernova." Chuck says.

"Well, y-you're God." Dean says. "So, just God them up."

"Look at me. I'm... not in the best shape right now." Chuck says.

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