091. pool

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They get to a cafe and sit at the counter, Dean putting money on the counter. Sam is holding Liam and puts him on his lap, keeping an arm around him so he doesn't fall off.

"What can we get for, uh, $4.60?" He questions the waitress.

"Um, a slice of pie and a cup of coffee." She states.

"four forks?" Dean asks. The waitress smiles, walking away. "Damn it, I was hoping for a cheeseburger."

"You can't even digest cheese anymore." Sam retorts.

"Dude. Lactaid." Dean says.

"Just accept the loss, Dean." Larissa says.

"Alright. So, if Garth is right, we take this road, but honestly, it doesn't look like there's anything up there." Sam says.

"Hey, how long have you lived here?" Dean asks the waitress gives them coffee.

"All my life." She states.

"Great. Can you tell us what is up that road?" Dean points to the part on the map.

"No. Are you for real? Did Candy put you up to this?" The waitress asks.

"Please tell me that's a nickname." Larissa says.

"No, nobody put us up to this. We're-- we're just headed that way and wanted to know if there's anything up there." Sam says.

"Um, forget it. Sounds nuts." The waitress says.

"Nuts is good, yeah. A couple of Mr. and Mrs. Fucking Peanuts here." Dean says.

"Okay. There's-- there's kind of this, um, urban legend around here, about this place in the middle of nowhere. It's a-a pool hall that is... magic." The waitress says.

"Magic pool hall?" Sam asks.

"I told ya. They say that if you get up there and you win, then you come back lucky. Like, hit the Powerball lucky." The waitress says.

"Sounds good to me." Dean says.

"Except no one ever does." The waitress says.

"What do you mean?" Sam asks.

"Um, one of our regulars, Leonard. The bank was coming for his house, so he went out to find the place and he never came back. Heard he had some sort of accident." The waitress says as the phone starts ringing. "Excuse me."

"Yeah." Sam and Dean mutter as the waitress goes to answer the phone.

"Okay. I guess now we know what the downside is." Sam says.

"Eh, not from where I'm sitting." Dean says.

"A-a pool hall that makes you lucky or might kill you? I mean, it sounds like a demon or a witch or--"

"Or it could be awesome." Dean cuts his brother off. "It's pool. The-the-- the game of champions, kings. My game. Hell, our game. How many honest to goodness great memories do we have hustling pool?"

"Yeah, because we had to. To eat." Sam says.

"Okay, well, my point is, that if pool is the way we get our mojo back, then maybe we ain't as screwed as we thought." Dean says.

"Hey, do you guys drive an Impala?" The waitress asks. "I, uh, I think you have a flat."


"Relax. We might actually have some fun." Dean tells his brother as they get out of the car and walk to the pool hall. Larissa picks Liam up and Sam tightly holds onto Athena's hand.

"Right." Sam mumbles as they walk in. "Dean, we don't even have beer money, much less whatever the buy-in is here."

"Hey, we'll figure something out." Dean assures, the family walking to the bar.

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