022. sick athena

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Athena is napping on a blanket that's on the floor of the library, having fallen asleep while playing. Larissa is cleaning up some of Athena's toys when Sam and Dean get back.

"Hey." Sam greets.

"Hey, shh, shh. She's sleeping." Larissa quietly says.

"Hi." Sam whispers, kissing Larissa.

"Hi." She smiles.

"I'm here, too." Dean says.

"Hi, Dean." Larissa waves him off, kissing Sam again.

"Sickening." Dean mumbles. "Hey, Rissa, uh... how many victims did The Zodiac have?"

"Seven." Larissa says.




"30 confessed, 20 confirmed, but it's rumored to be over 36. Maybe over 100."

"Man, you two need a better "hobby"." Dean says.

~ ~ ~

"I'm sorry I couldn't bring better news, Dean." Cas says.

"It's not your fault, Cas." Dean says.

"Thank you." Sam hangs his phone up. "All right, the sheriff gave me a few more names, some preliminary IDs on the bodies."

"And?" Dean asks.

"And it seems to fit Cas' story. I mean, there's no way to tell the relation to Cain, obviously, but he's wiping out entire families, one after another." Sam says.

"So who's next?" Dean asks. "Is he done with the Tollivers?"

"Uh, I think so. I mean, Leon didn't have any siblings or any other children I can see, and Tommy was never married, so I... oh, come on. Damn it." Sam sighs.

"What?" Cas asks.

"Tommy did have a son, estranged, who lives with his mother in Ohio. Uh... Austin Reynolds, 12 years old." Sam says.

"Is the kid still alive?" Dean asks and Sam opens a Facebook page.

"As of an hour ago, yeah. He updated his status. But, I mean, come on. It's a kid. You don't really think Cain would--"

"Yes, he would." Cas says.

"There were old men in those graves, Sam, women. I mean, you heard Cas. It's a fire sale. Everyone must go." Dean says, starting to walk away.

"Where you going?" Sam asks.

"We know where Cain's gonna be. The kid's in danger." Dean says.

"Okay, so what, we track him down to Ohio, and then what?" Sam asks.

"Then I'll do what I have to do. I'll kill Cain." Dean states.

~ ~ ~

Sam, Larissa, and Cas walk into Dean's room where he's loading a gun.

"When he gave me the Mark, Cain said that this day would come, that after I killed Abaddon, I would have to come and put him down." Dean says.

"Great. So you're taking orders from a madman." Sam says.

"No, he wasn't mad then." Dean says. "Cain resisted the Mark for a long time, then I came, kicking up trouble about the blade. I sent him down this path. This is on me."

"It doesn't mean you have to be the one to go after him." Sam says.

"Yes, it does. And there's only one thing that can kill him."

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