065. "whole team's together"

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Dean, Sam, Larissa, and Cas are in the library and Dean calls Rowena, putting her on speaker.

"Hello, boys, girly. I'm very sure I've done nothing that you know of to make you want to call, but how lovely to hear from you." Rowena says.

"Rowena, that's not... we, um..."

"You'll have to speak up." Rowena tells Sam.

"We need your help." Dean states.

"Really?" Rowena asks.

"We must assemble our most powerful allies to rescue our family and confront the archangel Michael. Now, he's in an alternate universe so--"

"Ah, the handsome angel is there, isn't he? Hello, tweety pie." Rowena greets.

"Um, hello." Cas mumbles.

"Lads, lassie, obviously I'd love to help after what you... oh, Sam did for me, but I'm in the damp pacific northwest right now working on my own little project." Rowena states.

"Project?" Dean asks.

"What project?" Sam asks.

"Oh, nothing for you to worry about. Just checking a few items off my little to do list." Rowena says.

"Sure, that didn't sound ominous." Dean says sarcastically.

"Rowena, are you at a... party or something?" Sam asks.

"I am, but I'm surprised you recognize the sounds of a party, seeing as how you're all work and no play." Rowena says.

"She's got a point." Daphne mutters.

"Look, we didn't call to talk. We... the world is in danger, Rowena." Dean says.

"And I'm currently surrounded by art that makes me think the world should be in danger. Best of luck to you, boys and girls. My six little musketeers." Rowena hangs up.

"Damn it." Dean mutters.

"You know, she's right. You never go to parties." Cas says.


Larissa is sitting at the kitchen table and Dean is making coffee while Cas stands by.

"You know what? Forget Rowena. There's gotta be some other way we can track down Gabriel and hijack his grace." Dean says.

"Even though he could be any place on earth?" Cas asks.

"Yes." Dean says.

"Or technically, anywhere in the entire universe." Cas says.

"Yeah, no, that'll be a piece of cake." Larissa remarks.

"I didn't say it was gonna be easy, but, uh... all right, come on. Ideas." Dean says. "Come on. Here we go." He says, though none of them have any idea. Dean takes a sip of his coffee. "Nah. I need a real drink. I'm gonna get a beer. You want a beer?"

"No." Cas and Larissa both answer.

"I'll get a beer." Dean says.

"The angels." Cas says.

"What?" Dean asks.

"Maybe Heaven could help us." Cas says.

"Ah, not for nothing, but don't the angels mostly want to kill you?"

"Yes. Yeah. This would be something of a Hail Mary." Cas says and Dean hums. "It's a sports term, like slam dunk or, uh... ball handler."

Larissa quietly giggles at the last term. She looks over at the two looking at her, Cas slightly confused and Dean both amused and annoyed.

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