073. super charged monsters

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Dean and Larissa walk into the war room where Sam is talking a group of survivors.

"Uh... everybody good?" Sam asks the hunters. "Any questions? Okay. Let's get to work." They all go off to do whatever they need to.

"You kids have fun out there." Dean says.

"Don't even say it." Sam warns his brother.

"What? No, it's good. It's got, like, a very camp counselor vibe to it. Just need to get you a whistle." Dean says.

"A very hot camp counselor vibe." Larissa smirks, wrapping her arms around Sam's neck, her smile growing as his ears turn red.

"What is that?" Dean asks, hearing a phone constantly chime.

"It's nothing. It's just..." Sam pulls his phone out. "Hunter check-ins."

"Check-ins?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"That's adorable." Dean says.

"You got any rest lately? Like at all?" Dean asks his brother as the three walk into the kitchen. "I mean, look, man, I know things are crazy right now, okay? I mean, hell, I just went toe-to-toe with my own personal horror movie icon, but we all need our beauty sleep."

"Dean, I have sixteen hunters on cases right now. And that's not counting Jack and Cas in Sarasota or mom and Bobby working that rugaru in Texas."

"Okay, you know that these people survived a war, right?" Dean asks as they sit down at the table, Dean across from the couple.

"Yeah, but a war isn't hunting. These people need, uh, lore and weapons and tips and backup, and-- look, don't worry about me, all right? I'm-I'm-- I'm good." Sam says, looking at his phone.

"What is it?" Dean asks, seeing Sam's face.

"One of the hunters, uh, missed check-in." Sam says.

"Who?" Dean asks.

"Maggie." Sam informs.

~ ~ ~

The three are in the library and Sam is on his laptop, pulling up Maggie's video footage from her body cam. Larissa is sitting next to him, resting her head on his shoulder as silent comfort and Dean is pacing while trying to call Maggie.

"Come on, kid, answer the phone." Dean mutters, but doesn't get one making him sigh. "You got them wearing body cams now?" Dean asks as Sam pulls up the footage.

"Yeah, they're new. I figured watching each other hunt is the best way to learn. They upload directly to the serve." Sam says.

"And if something goes wrong, you got a place to start." Dean says.

"Yeah. That, too." Sam mumbles.

They watch as Maggie talks to the camera. They watch as Maggie goes into the crypt and is almost immediately attacked.

"Something jumped her." Dean says. Sam rewinds and pauses on the creature. "The ghoul?"

"Dean, if she's hurt or dead--"

"Babe, babe." Larissa holds his hand, trying to comfort him.

"We don't know that, okay? We don't know anything yet." Dean says.

"You just watched the same thing I did." Sam says.

"I saw a ghoul, okay? And, yeah, they're nasty little sons of bitches, but they're also scavengers. They don't usually feed on the living." Dean says.

"Yeah, so why attack her?" Sam questions.

"I don't know. But I bet if we go there and find out, we got a shot at bringing her home." Dean says.

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