026. killer costumes

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"Sheriff. Hey." Sam greets Donna.

"Oh! You three are a sight for sore eyes!" Donna says, hugging the three.

"What, are you working all 10,000 lakes now? This isn't usually your beat." Dean says.

"Just Larsen County, what with the cutbacks and all. For the most part, it's been tater tots and lemon drops except for this doozy. I mean, when you get a call about a killer Easter Bunny, you know what to think." Donna says.

"Well, you think crazy." Dean says.

"Guy's real strong, too. Lashed out at several officers. Took a whole team just to get him into custody. But that's not the weirdest part. Bunny head won't come off." Donna says.

"What do you mean?" Sam asks.

"Tried everything short of a chainsaw, but it's really stuck. I mean, who knows. Could be nothing. Guy could just have a big melon like my Uncle Wally. But ever since I've seen what goes bump in the night... I'm not taking any chances."

"You did the right thing, for sure." Sam says.

"Maybe. I'm just still not 100% sure this is our kind of case. But if, uh, you got a wild hare... see what I did there?" Dean asks.

"Yes. And nobody's impressed." Larissa says making Dean's smile drop.

"It's good to see you three!" Donna grins.

"Who you got there, Sheriff?" A cop walks up.

"Gentlemen, lady, this is Officer Stover. He's lead on the case." Donna says.

"Agents Elliott, Savage, and Allen." Sam tells him.

"Huh. Nice to meet ya. And please, call me Doug." He says.

"These three fine folks will be helping out with the old hippity hop." Donna says.

"Oh. We're gonna need it. And not that Sheriff Hanscum isn't doing a bang up job. We're lucky to have her." Doug says, the five standing in silence for a bit. "Well, I better get back to it."

"Uh-huh." Dean nods as Doug walks off. The three hunters give Donna looks.

"What?" She asks.

"Hey, it's none of our business, but it looks like somebody might have a crush." Dean says

"I was born at night, Dean. Not last night." Donna remarks.

"What's the deal? He seems nice." Sam says.

"He is. But he's a cop... named Doug. I mean, clearly, I have a type, but no, thank you, ma'am. Won't be once bitten, twice Doug'd." Donna states.

"All right, where's the wascally rabbit?" Dean asks.

Donna leads them towards the cell that has the guy with the rabbit head.

"Any witnesses?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, vic's wife -- Fran Hinkle. Poor thing that she was next, but the bunny just up and walked out the door." Donna says.

"You ID him yet?" Dean asks.

"Nope. No wallet, no cell. Ran his prints, but no prior record. Couldn't even get our hands on him long enough to check for any identifying marks. Only thing we do know -- he's Caucasian, roughly 18 to 25. And terrifying."

There's a knock on the door and Doug steps into the hall.

"Clive's on the line. Said it's an emergency." Doug says.

"Just shoot a hoot if you need me." Donna says, her and Doug leaving.

"What's up, doc? Be easier all around if you just talk to us." Dean tells the guy.

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