005. goodbye kevin

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Sam and Larissa are sitting at the map table and Sam is on his laptop with Athena sitting in his lap.

"Any word from Cas?" Sam asks when Dean walks in.

"Nothing yet." Dean says.

"And we're not worried about him? That he just took off like that again? I mean, it's not like he does this kind of stuff alone." Sam says.

"It's the way he wanted it, honestly." Dean says, sitting down. "Hey, look, man, he's been all over the map since he got his wings clipped. What do you got?" He rolls his chair over to Sam. "Obituaries. That one of the bikers?"

Athena watches the chair wheel with wide eyes and a smile.

"Yeah. His name was Red Dawg." Sam says.

"Of course it was." Dean says.

Athena makes a noise, holding her arms out to Dean. He grabs her from Sam, putting her on his lap. Athena puts her hand on the arm of the chair, pushing on it, but it doesn't move.

"It's not what you think. Look, he's a family guy. Big in  the PTA, he played Santa at Christmas parties." Sam says.

"So, what? Just one day, he up and joined a biker gang?" Dean asks.

"No, he did that years ago. Get this. This is weird. Look." Sam pulls up newspaper clipping and photos. "These are all the victims, right? They were all baptized together."


"Yeah. They were a born again biker gang."

"Well, that is not something you hear every day."

"No, it not."

"Wait, make that bigger." Dean says and Sam zooms in on the photo. ""Boyle's Boys"? Boyle, as in Reverend Buddy Boyle?"

Sam types quickly for a bit.

Athena starts whining, starting to cry at the unmoving chair and she looks up at her uncle.

"What? What'd I do?" Dean asks.

"She wants the chair to move, doofus." Larissa says.

"Wh-- oh, come on." Dean groans. He sighs, but starts to slowly spin in circles. Athena giggles as the room goes around and around.

"Listen to this." Sam says. Dean continues to spin as he listens. "Red Dawg's widow said he was always religious, but a week before he died, he came home from a prayer meeting and was a changed man filled with divine glory."

"So, Boyle's at it again. Selling folks on being meat suits for angels." Dean says.

"Just what-- talking to smaller groups now?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. Maybe, uh, softening up thousands at a time, he wasn't able to control what angels got let in. This way, Bartholomew's followers can jump in just as soon as Boyle does his thing."

"So, Red Dawg and his guys were Bartholomew people?"

"Yeah, and they got slaughtered. Which means that this new group is even worse. Haven't I always said that angels are dicks?"


Kevin, Dean, and Larissa are in the library and researching. Larissa has the baby monitor next to her, having put Athena down for a nap.

"Dean, there may be nothing in here. Crowley said the spell that cast down the angels was irreversible." Kevin says.

"Yeah, well, screw Crowley. Why would you think that anything he says is true?" Dean asks.

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