096. old friend

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"How much longer?" Dean asks.

"Uh... seven hours." Sam says.

"Ugh." Dean groans.

"Yep." Sam says.

"Can't believe we're going back here." Dean says.

"Travis was a friend." Sam says.

"Yeah, I know. I'm not saying what happened isn't sad. You know, I mean, the guy slit his throat with a whiskey bottle, but... he's an old friend, you know? Old, old. Like, haven't seen him in 25 years. We've missed funerals for much closer friends... hunters."

"Well, this is different. I-I mean, it's not like we have much else to do. Chuck is off world. Jack's in the bunker, waiting for Billie's orders. And... and Cas just... bailed, I guess. He didn't say anything to you about why he left?"

"Not really."

"And you guys didn't get into a fight or something?"

"It's just Cas being Cas."


Dean's phone dings and he looks at it.

"Seriously, Dean? You know how many people die every year texting and driving?" Sam asks. "And my kids are in the car, could you not?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I know. Look." Dean puts his phone up. "Okay? Done. You're right. My bad."

"I'm here too, thanks for the concern." Larissa remarks.

"I-- I love you, too." Sam assures.


"Caitlin?" Dean asks as they walk over to the booth. Sam is holding Liam and Larissa is holding Athena's hand.

"Dean." Caitlin stands up.

"Hey." Dean greets.

"Hey. Sam. Thanks for coming." Caitlin tells them.

"Yeah. Uh, this is my wife, Larissa. Um, my kids, Athena and Liam." Sam introduces.

"Hi." Larissa politely smiles.

"Nice to meet you guys." Caitlin says.

"Sorry, um... you know, about your brother." Sam tells Caitlin.

"Yeah." She whispers, the group sitting down. Sam puts Liam on his lap and Athena climbs onto her mom's lap.

"How you holding up?" Sam asks.

"Crying a lot. Blaming myself a lot. Long story. Travis, he... after you left, he had a pretty rocky life. Drugs, couldn't hold down a job. I encouraged him to get help for years. Finally, he took my advice. Started therapy. It was great at first. It... it really seemed to be helping, and then..."

"Then...?" Sam asks.

"His doctor started prying. About that winter... what happened here. Travis said he needed to face his tears. His doc called it "immersion therapy." To heal. He checked in to room 214."

"214? Is that where he...?" Sam asks and Caitlin nods.

"Well, look, whatever you need us for, we're here, okay? Help with the funeral--" Dean offers.

"The funeral was last week." Caitlin states.

"What?" Dean asks.

"I'm sorry. I thought you said..." Sam says.

"I know. I'm sorry. I needed to be sure that you would come." Caitlin says.

"Come for what?" Dean asks.

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