024. night moves

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Larissa hears somebody knock on the door and she goes over and opens it, freezing at her husband and brother-in-law on the other side.

"'Sup?" Dean nods.

"Are you-- what happened? Are you both okay?" Larissa asks.

"Oh, uh, yeah." Dean rolls his sleeve up to reveal the Mark gone. "I'm peachy. Where's my little munchkin?"

"Uh... um, kitchen. High chair." Larissa informs.

"Got it." Dean ruffles her hair as he passes her.

"Are you okay?" Larissa asks her husband, hugging him.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm-I'm good." Sam says.

"Good." Larissa says, pulling away. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" She smacks him in the arm.

"Ow!" Sam holds the now tender part of his arm.

"It's been over a damn week, Samuel Winchester. You didn't think to pick up a phone? "Oh, hey, I got the Mark of Dean." Or, "Oh, hey, I'm alive, just an FYI."" Larissa says.

"I-- we've been a little busy." Sam says.

"Yeah, with forgetting basic things to do. Where the hell have you been?" She hits his arm again.

"Ow." Sam whines. "Okay, it's a long story, so..." Sam motions to the porch. Larissa huffs and walks out, shutting the door behind her. They sit on the porch steps and Larissa motions for him to talk.

"Okay, so, after I got off the phone with you the last time, I was gonna shut the whole find a cure thing down. But then Charlie was able to send us her translations before she--" Sam painfully cuts himself off. "So, um..." He clears his throat. "Rowena was able to read the book and everything and we did the spell."

"Dean was gonna let Death send him off to outer space, but only after he killed me."

"Excuse me?" Larissa asks.

"Well, I-I... I mean, he didn't." Sam says.

"Yeah, I can see that." Larissa says.

"Anyways, uh... I managed to talk him out of it, kind of. And instead of killing me... he killed Death."

"You're joking."

"Nope. Death is... well, Death is dead. And then, uh, some weird lightning bolt got into the bar and struck Dean's arm and it took the Mark away. And then -- because of the spell -- we released the Darkness into the world."

"I don't know what that is, but I don't like the sound of it."

"You shouldn't. It's... it's very bad. And we've been dealing with that the past few days. But then when we got back to the bunker, uh, Cas was there and apparently Rowena put the attack dog spell on him."

"I'll pretend to know what that does." Larissa says making Sam chuckle.

"Well, it makes you... you know, attack. And if you're human, it kills you pretty quickly. But since he's an angel it was effecting him differently. So we tracked down Rowena and got her to fix it and, uh... well, that was solved yesterday, so..."

"So now you're here." Larissa says.

"Yeah. I just... I meant to call you, but I didn't want you and Thena around in case Cas broke out of the chains we put him in and-and hurt us or something." Sam says.

"I get it. A call still would've been nice. Hell, a text." Larissa says.

"I'm sorry." Sam tells her. "How, um... how have you guys been?"

"Good. Safe." Larissa says.


"I'm sorry that I didn't help you with Dean. I just--"

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