047. betrayed

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"Hoo-hoo!" Dean cheers as the three hunters walk into the library. "Back to back to back. That was one for the books."

"Yeah." Sam says.

"Man." Dean holds up the barbed wire bat. "Dad would love this thing." He drops it onto the table.

"Dude, on the-- on the--" Sam grimaces.

"Gross." Larissa whispers.

"No, don't, don't, don't, don't! Don't s--" Sam tries to stop Dean, but the older one sits down, a small squish sounding.

"What?" Dean asks.

"You're disgusting, that's what." Larissa says, earning an offended look from Dean.

"Dean, you're covered in ghoul, man, and-and-- and wraith. You... you have a piece of siren in your hair." Sam says. Larissa grimaces. Dean grabs the piece of siren out of his hair and inspects it on his finger.

"Gross." Dean chuckles before flicking it off his finger, it landing somewhere on the floor.

"Okay, one of you are cleaning that up before Thena ever gets home. We don't need her eating siren remains." Larissa states.

"Agreed." Sam says. "Dude, why don't you take a shower and change your clothes. You've been wearing the same pair of boxers for four days."

"Okay, one, weird that you know how much underwear I packed." Dean says.

"That's what's weird about this?" Sam asks.

"And B, it's two and two. Doesn't count if you flip 'em inside out." Dean says.

"Okay, that is the most disgusting non-sex related thing I've ever heard you say." Larissa says.

Sam's phone chimes and he looks at it.

"Got another case." Sam says.

"Really? Already? How'd you do that?" Dean asks.

"Same as the others. I-I made a computer algorithm that scrapes data from police scanners, emergency calls, uh, local news sites, and then it puts everything through a--" Sam stops at Dean's lost expression. "The computer told me."

"Computers." Dean chuckles. "Monsters, porn. Is there anything they can't do?"

"Give you a shower." Larissa mumbles.

"All right." Dean gets up. "Well, let's get to it, then."

"Yeah, that's fine. And, dude, um... after you get cleaned up." Sam says.

"We got baby wipes in the car." Dean says.

"Hell no." Larissa argues.

"Dude. Dean, I'm serious, man. You smell like roadkill." Sam says.

"That's cause I do all the heavy lifting." Dean says.

"You-- all right." Sam rolls his eyes.

"I'm using that fancy shampoo you keep hidden from me." Dean says, walking out.

"God, I don't recall him ever being this gross." Larissa mutters, putting her phone down. "Well, Jody says she doesn't mind keeping Thena for a couple more days."

"Really? You know, um... you don't have to go on this case." Sam tells her. "I mean, if you-- if you need some sort of break or something, that... I'd get that."

"Why are you being weird?" Larissa asks.

"No-Nothing. I just... I don't want you to overdo it, you know?" Sam says.

"Sam... I'm fine." Larissa tells him.

"Okay." Sam nods. "Yeah, okay, good." He kisses her on the head before walking out.

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