011. ghostfacers demise

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It's the middle of the night and Larissa has still failed to go to sleep for more than an hour or so each night. She sits up in bed, letting out an annoyed huff.

Larissa considers her option before getting up. She quietly makes her way through the halls until she gets to Dean's door. She hesitates, but lightly knocks on the door.

The door opens, Dean standing on the other side. Some of Larissa's nerves go away, realizing she didn't wake him up.

"Hey." Dean says.

"Hey. Um... your sleepover offer still stand?" Larissa asks.

"Always." Dean steps aside, letting her in, and he shuts the door after her. "Nightmare? Can't even fall asleep?"

"Second option." Larissa says, sitting in Dean's bed.

"Well, uh... wanna watch a movie?" Dean asks.

"Sure." Larissa nods.

They find a movie to watch on his laptop, deciding on Beetlejuice since Larissa really likes it. Dean didn't complain, saying the ghost chick was hot.

Near the end of the movie, Larissa had fallen asleep, and finally got more than two hours of sleep for the first time in weeks.

In the morning, after getting Athena and not finding Larissa in her room, Sam went searching. He went to Dean's room, even though it was the last place he thought to find her.

Though he was surprised when he actually found both of them in the bed, asleep. Larissa was covered up by an extra blanket while Dean was under his covers.

Athena babbles.

"Yeah. Yeah, apparently mommy and Uncle Dean had a sleepover." Sam mutters, walking off.


Dean and Larissa have their bags and walk into the library where Sam is researching.

"All right. We'll be back." Dean says.

"Wait. Where you headed?" Sam asks.

"Washington. I caught a case. She wanted to tag along." Dean says.

"You want me to come with?" Sam asks.

"Do you want to come?" Sam asks.

"On a hunt? Why wouldn't I?" Sam asks.

"I don't know, man. Cause lately with you, up is down and down is sideways, you know? I-I-- I don't know what you want." Dean says. Sam glares at him, Dean and Larissa sharing a look. "Okay. You want in? Fine. Sure thing." He shows Sam the paper. "Photo leaked from the crime scene. Girl was murdered in her room, doors were locked, the windows were locked."

"Who's the wallflower?" Sam asks.

"Exactly. Best guess -- ghost caught on film." Dean says and Sam starts to put his stuff up. "So, you're coming?"

"Does it look like I'm staying?" Sam asks.

Dean looks at Larissa who rolls her eyes. Personally, she kind of wanted to be away from Sam. She can't have a single conversation with him without him making some sort of remark.


"I scrubbed for hours. I'll have to rip up the carpet. My daughter, Casey... she picked out the color herself." Mrs. Miles says.

"We're... very sorry for your loss, Mrs. Miles. You mentioned Casey had no known enemies. What about at home? Anything unusual you may have noticed? Uh... electricity acting up or lights... flickering. TV on the fritz?" Sam asks.

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