060. "donatello's a biter."

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Larissa and Dean are sitting at the table and eating while Sam refills his coffee cup.

"Don't you think you should, uh, take it a little easy on the nitrates?" Sam asks Dean who pulls a plate full of bacon towards him.

"Dude, if bacon's what kills me, then I win." Dean says before Cas walks in.

"He's kinda got a point." Larissa comments.

"Cas, hey. How's Donatello?" Sam asks.

"He says he's making progress, but we still need archangel grace. We should be out looking for Lucifer." Cas says.

"We are." Sam says.

"Look, we got word out to every hunter we know, okay? If they see anything Satan-y... they'll drop a dime." Dean assures.

"And Michael? If he succeeds in getting to our world first?" Cas asks.

"Cas, look, right now, our best defense is a good offense." Sam says.

"We'll give Donatello everything he needs to open that gate, then we stealth in, we get mom, we get Jack, boom. Family reunion. It's just gonna take some time." Dean says.


"Eureka! Eureka! Eureka! Eureka! Eureka! Eureka!" Donatello speeds into the library where the others are.

"You stroking out?" Dean asks.

"No, I-I cracked it!" Donatello exclaims.

"What?" Cas asks.

"T-The spell. I-I finished the translation." Donatello says.

"What? No way." Sam says.

"Here's the ingredients. Whew! Running is hard." Donatello says as he tries to catch his breath.

"Okay, what are we looking at?" Dean asks.

"Besides archangel grace." Cas says.

"Actually, that's not even in here." Sam says. "Maybe the spell on the angel tablet's different because this -- oil of Abramelin, Angelica root, we-we have most of this stuff. Oh. Other than the--the hearts of Gog and Magog?"

"Sorry. What?" Dean asks.

"Um, they're-they're people. Kind of. Uh, sometimes referred to as brothers, other times lands. Uh... you know how Bibles are. Too damn many translations." Donatello says.

"Wait, Gog and-and Magog... I'd-I'd heard rumors, but I didn't think they were human." Cas says.

"Oh, yes. According to the tablet, they were ancient warriors who enslaved half the Fertile Crescent until some priests cast a spell to bind them away in "a place without a place and a time without a time."" Donatello says.

"Okay, so we're supposed to find these guys and cut out their hearts? How?" Dean asks.

"The-the demon tablet has very specific instructions on how to free them. These men are very dangerous." Donatello says.

"Then I'll do it." Cas says.

"I'll go with you." Dean says.

"Fantastic! And Sam, Larissa, and I will stay behind to, uh, uh, assemble the other ingredients. Now, um... where do you keep your virgin lamb's blood?" Donatello asks.


"Okay, how are we looking?" Sam asks Donatello.

"We still need the dead sea brine and the, uh, wolfsbane." Donatello says.

"On it." Sam says before he and Larissa walk out.

~ ~ ~

Sam is mixing the ingredients for the spell and Larissa is standing next to him.

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