015. the musical

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Dean is working on the Impala while Athena is sitting on the parking curb with her sippy cup and a container of mixed fruits.

"Hey." Dean greets, seeing his brother walk out of the room.

"Hey." Sam greets.

"Dada!" Athena gets up, waddling towards him.

"Morning, baby." He picks her up, kissing her cheek. She holds a grape out to him. "Oh. Oh, thank you." He lets her put it in his mouth. "Delicious." He kisses her cheek again making her giggle.

"How long have you been up?" Sam asks his brother.

"Long enough to find us a case." Dean says. "Grabbed the, uh, the shortstack to let you guys get some more sleep."

"Long enough to... I take it that means you're feeling back to normal?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, whatever normal is in our world. So, uh, right here." Dean hands Sam a newspaper. "A teacher in an all girls school went missing in Flint, Michigan. She was heading to her car, disappeared, and nobody's seen her since."

"Dean, there's nothing here that even remotely suggests there is a case." Sam says.

"There is nothing that even remotely suggests there isn't a case." Dean says. "Boom." He says.

"Come on, man."

"Sam, out there, hunting, it's the only normal I know. Dean tosses a rifle into the trunk. "We got work to do." He slams the trunk shut.

"Long as you take a shower first." Sam says. "Uncle Dean stinks, doesn't he?" He asks making Athena giggle. "Yeah, that's her agreeing."

"Yeah, okay. See if I ever watch your kid for you again." Dean remarks.


"Yeah, of course. Yeah, I certainly appreciate it. You got it. Thanks, officer." Sam hangs his phone up as Dean pulls up to the high school. "So, the last place Ms. Chandler was seen by anyone was in the auditorium. Turns out she's the drama teacher." The brothers get out of the car.

Larissa gets out and gets Athena out, holding her.

"Ugh, theater kids. Great." Dean complains.

"What? I was a theater kid." Sam says.

"Barely. You did Our Town, which was cool. But then you did that crappy musical." Dean says.

"The-- Oklahoma? Hugh Jackman got cast off of Oklahoma." Sam states.

"You ran tech, Wolverine." Dean retorts.

"Aww... that's adorable." Larissa pinches Sam's cheek.

"Shut up." He tells them, gently swatting Larissa's hand away. She laughs as she follows Dean inside, Athena even giggling since her mom is.

"See, Sammy? Not even two and she's already laughing at you." Larissa jokes, teasingly grinning back at him. Sam rolls his eyes, giving her an annoyed look.

"If you need anything else, let me know." The principal tells them as she leads them to the auditorium.

"Great. Thanks, Ms. Salazar." Sam tells her. They walk in, standing at the top of the stairs.

"You, idjits." They hear a girl say. They turn to find a girl dressed as Bobby. "You idjits. You are idjits."

"Hey, ass-butt!" They look down near the stage, a girl dressed as Cas and holding a fake Molotov cocktail. "Hey! Ass-butt!"

A piano starts playing and the scenes on stage change as a girl sings.

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