069. self destructive couple

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Larissa is standing at the map table with some others, one person being Mary.

"You got silver. Devil's trap. Holy oil." A hunter points to each bullet. "And these here, they're dipped in dead man's blood." Mary takes the gun and loads it. "Basically, you need some freak dead? I got you."

"A rawhead did this?" Maggie asks the guy sitting in front of her.

"Yeah. Outside Phoenix. They're faster than they look." The guy says. "Meaner, too." Maggie pulls a tooth out of the guy's shoulder.

"So, so gross." She says and Larissa quietly chuckles.

"Soup's on." A hunter walks in with a pot. "Who's eating?" He asks, earning some people calling out.

Larissa hears the door open, turning and finding Sam getting back.

"Sammy. Hey." Larissa says.

"Hey, Lissy." Sam pecks her on the lips and she hugs him.

"How was Atlanta?" Mary asks. She attempts to hug Sam, but he brushes her off. He hasn't really talked to her outside of cases and hunter stuff since they've gotten back from apocalypse world. Which also means that she doesn't know why he's somewhat ignoring her.

"It was, uh... it was a bust." Sam says. "The woman who claims she saw an "angel" was..." He snorts. "Let's just say I think she had one too many hits of the brown acid, you know?"

"Fun times." Larissa remarks making Sam let out a short laugh.

"Sam, we're gonna find him. Ketch is working that thing in London. Castiel is in Detroit. I know it's been three weeks since Dean..." Mary pauses. "Something will break. It has to."

"Yeah. Yeah, you keep saying that." Sam says before he yawns.

"Sammy, you need to sleep." Larissa tells him. "I know you haven't gotten much, or really any."

"No, no, I-I'm fine, babe." Sam dismisses.


"Chief." A hunter cuts Larissa's argument off.

"Hey." Sam says, turning to the hunter.

"Good to have you back." He hands Sam a bowl of soup.

"Thanks." Sam says.

"Don't thank me yet." The guy says and Larissa internally winces, knowing Sam is about to lose even more sleep. "Word is we got some vamps heading east on I-90. Gipsy types. Pickin' off truckers, mostly."

"Last body got drained and dropped just outside La Crosse six hours ago." The guy who Maggie is helping says.

"Okay. Um... all right. Get me teams of two. I want watch points every 50 miles. If you see something, say something." Sam says. "Maggie, can you hack the traffic cams on the freeway?"

"Um..." Maggie looks lost. "No."

"Right. Right. Of course. Sorry. Um, I got it. Thank you." Sam says, giving his soup to Larissa.

"Sam--" She tries to give him the soup back.

"Uh, please. Would you call in Sharon and her crew? We're gonna need all hands on deck here." Sam says.

"Yes, sir." One of the hunters say.

"Thank you." Sam sits at the map table and gets on his laptop.

"Sammy." Larissa puts the bowl down.

"I'm good." Sam tells her. Larissa cups one side of his face, forcing him to look at her.

"You're still a shitty liar." Larissa whispers.

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