023. burning the wrong book

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Sam hangs up his phone as Dean and Larissa walk into the library.

"Hey. How did you sleep?" Sam asks.

"Like a drunk baby. What do we got?" Dean asks.

"Uh, nothing." Sam says.

"Really?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, I mean, uh, no weird deaths, no demon signs. There's a kitsune working some truck stops outside of Boise, but Rudy's on it, so..." Sam shrugs.

"All right. So, uh, snow day. I say we get drunk and shoot crap." Dean says.

"Yeah, except we do that every day. Actually, I was thinking about seeing a movie." Sam says.

"Yeah, that would be cool." Dean says.

"It's a French movie." Sam says.

"You mean like nudie French?"

"Even better. It's about a mime that's secretly a cockroach."

"What?" Larissa mumbles.

"I-I don't get it." Dean says.

"Dude, the New York Times said--"

"Who cares?" Dean cuts his brother off.

"All right, well... it's playing in Wichita, so I might not be back till morning." Sam says.

"Well, I trust you. Make good choices."

"Right. You know, I mean... I don't have to go alone--"

"It's fine. Besides, I could use a little "me" time."

"All right. Stay out of my room."


"You wanna go?" Sam asks Larissa.

"No." She states like it's obvious.

"I think you would really like the movie." Sam says.

"I really don't think I would." Larissa argues.

"I think so."

"I think not."

"Well, come with me to say bye to Athena." Sam grabs her wrist and drags her out of the library. "I'm not actually going to see a movie."

"What? Why'd you lie?" Athena asks.

"Because Dean isn't so huge on finding a solution for the mark and he'd be annoyed if he knew I was still looking. Especially if he knew what I was gonna do." Sam says.

"And what exactly are going to do?" Larissa asks.

"I have to find a way to get to Metatron."

"Excuse me? Killed Dean Metatron? That Metatron?"



"Cause he might know."

"Oh, come on, Sam. And why don't you tell him? I mean, aren't you guys tired of secrets yet?"

"Yes, but it seems to be how our lives work out."

"Yeah, cause you guys don't know how to man up and tell each other the truth. I mean, hello, secrets ruined your guys' relationship more times then I can count. It ruined our marriage. You still wanna go down this road?"

"Look, are you in or not?"

"I love you, but, no. Thena and I will stay here and... and do mommy-daughter stuff."

"Which would be...?"

"Literally anything."

"Fine." Sam sighs.

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