078. medusa

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Sam, Larissa, and Rowena are researching. Athena is on Sam's lap and asleep.

"You know, the last time I saw Jack, he was on death's door. You say, "Oh, it's just some magic," and you think I'll leave it at that?" Rowena asks.

"Okay, listen, Jack is all right. You don't need to worry." Sam says.

"Oh, I wouldn't say worried. More curious. Speaking of which, I'm also curious as to how your brother is managing to keep an archangel locked away inside his mind." Rowena says.

"Because he's Dean. And Dean is Dean. He's fine." Sam says. Larissa's eyebrows furrow a little, but stays silent not sure if he actually believes that or just doesn't want to talk to Rowena.

"For how long?" Rowena asks.

"We're working on it, Rowena. Another way to-- to keep Michael locked up or-or kill him--" Sam says.

"But?" Rowena asks.

"But, for now, staying busy is good. For all of us." Sam says.

"Okay." Rowena says.


"Okay, so, we've made some progress." Sam says.

"This is like an A.V. club presentation." Dean says making Larissa snort.

"What's an A.V. club?" Jack asks.

"It's a special group for people who do not play sports." Cas says.

"Yeah, him. He's A.V. club." Dean points to Cas and Athena giggles.

"Excuse me, boys, but this is a bit more pressing than your hilarious banter." Rowena remarks. "I believe we are hunting a gorgon. An ancient, cursed being with an affinity for snakes and a hunger for human flesh."

"Snakes for hair? That's like Medusa." Dean says.

"You know about Medusa?" Rowena asks.

"Oh, yeah. Clash of the Titans. Turns guys to stone." Dean says. Larissa rolls her eyes, shaking her head.

"Oh. That's the exaggerated version. It's not stone. More of a venom induced paralysis. Hence, the blackened lips." Rowena says.

"And the fact that the victims didn't fight back." Cas says.

"And the snakeskin, which, frankly, was a bit on the nose." Rowena says.

"Yeah. So we expanded our search based on this new information, and we found 17 unexplained deaths that could fit our guy, last three months, moving west across the southern U.S." Sam shows them a chart.

"17 people?" Jack asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"Legend has it, every few months, the gorgon goes on a spree and gorges itself." Rowena says.

"Like a snake. That makes sense." Dean says.

"So, is there anything in there that explains why this gorgon keeps eluding us?" Cas asks.

"Uh, some lore says that a gorgon can tell people's fates, and, by consuming human eyes, they may "glimpse the future."" Rowena says.

"Yeah. We think that's how he sees us coming." Sam says.

"So, then even if we use your tracking spell again, he'll know." Cas says.

"So how do we get him?" Jack asks.

"I don't know." Sam sighs.


"So, Noah can see you, me, Rowena, Lissy, and Athena." Sam says, on speaker phone with Dean.

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