045. mom vs. mom

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Sam, Athena, and Larissa are in the library and Larissa is painting Athena's nails since the little girl practically begged her to.

"Okay, well, stay on it. You get any leads, you let us know, and we'll keep working it from our end. Thanks, Cas." Dean says while walking into the library and he hangs up the phone. "So Kelly Kline is in the wind. No trace."

"Great." Sam sighs.

"No idea when Lucifer's kid is gonna pop, if it hasn't already." Dean says.

"So basically, we got nothin'." Sam says.

"Basically." Dean nods.

"All right. Well, we do have this other thing."

"What other thing?"

"Check it out. Museum in Des Moines, Iowa. A guy's body was found in the parking lot, a teacher. His tongue had been ripped out."

"Well, that didn't kill him."

"No, but having his internal organs crushed did. Uh, no obvious damage to the torso, no point of entry."

"You thinkin' witch?"

"Maybe. I mean, he was seen alive just a couple hours earlier, leading a student tour of the museum."

"Hmm. Haven't seen mom in a while. Maybe she'll wanna work with us on this."


"So thank you again for meeting with us, Dr. Ochoa." Sam says as the woman leads them through the museum. Larissa is holding Athena.

Dean had called Mary to get her help on the case, but she told him she was still tired from the whole Ramiel thing.

"Of course, agent. I... we've had two murders in two days. The police have no idea what's going on, and--"

"Well, that's why we're here." Dean says.

"Now you said victim number two brought some Timber Troopers through here, right?" Sam asks.

"16 hours ago, they were standing right where you are." Dr. Ochoa says.

"Is there anything new to the museum?" Dean asks.

"Well, here in the lab, three traveling exhibits have been uncrated. One's already on display. The other two are being prepped." Dr. Ochoa says.

"Dr. Ochoa?" A man calls.

"Excuse me." She tells them.

"Sure." Sam nods and she walks off.

"Okay, so... including Massachusetts vic, that is two teachers and one scout leader." Dean says, taking an EMF reader out.

"People who supervise kids." Sam says.

"Whoa." Dean mutters as the EMF goes off and he turns it off. "There's a lot of action in here. Okay, well, I'm switching my vote from witch to ghost."

"I don't know. EMF isn't that surprising at a museum. They're always filled with ADHD spirits and their tethers, you know?" Sam says.

"Okay, but if our killer is a chain rattler, how we gonna figure out which one it is?" Dean asks.

~ ~ ~

Dean picks up a curved knife.

"Aztecs were pretty serious about their killings. Aztec ghost. Yeah, I like that." Dean talks to himself. He goes to put the knife up, but misses the stand it's on and it makes a loud noise as it drops on the counter. Dean quickly puts it up, looking around to see Sam and Larissa giving him a disapproving looks. Dean walks over to them.

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