099. epilogue

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After a heartbreaking night while telling Athena the news about Dean, the family of now four returned to the bunker. Athena had spent the whole night crying over her uncle, eventually managing to cry herself to sleep.

A couple of days later, they put Dean on a pyre that Sam had spent yesterday building. Larissa didn't help, focusing all of her attention on her children, helping Athena process grief since she's not extremely familiar with it and taking care of Liam.

Liam seems to be doing just fine, not really understanding the whole death thing. He doesn't know what "dead" means and he's confused when he doesn't see Dean, but quickly lets it go.

The four stand at the pyre as Sam tosses a lighter on it, watching it go up in flames. Larissa is holding Liam and Athena is hugging her dad.

Watching the fire consume the wood and Dean's wrapped body, Athena starts to sob as she remembers she's never going to see him again.

Sam picks her up, holding her close, as she sobs into his shoulder. Sam's eyes water more at her cries, but he does his best to keep them in.

"I know, baby girl. I know. I know." Sam whispers, rubbing her back.

Larissa sadly watches them, also managing to hold her tears back. She moves closer and leans against Sam, wrapping an arm around him and rubbing his back. She kisses his shoulder, wishing she could do more to comfort him.


The four are asleep in Sam and Larissa's bed. Ever since Dean's death, the kids have opted to sleep in their parents' bed. Athena does it since she constantly cries herself to sleep and Liam just does it since he knows Athena is and he doesn't want to be alone. He also knows something is wrong, but still can't fully understand what.

Miracle is lying on the end of the bed near Larissa's feet. Sam was against it at first, but Athena asked, and he couldn't say no to her. Especially when he looked into her puppy dog eyes that lack their usual sparkle.

The alarm goes off and Sam reaches over, turning it off. He sits up, running his hands over his face and through his hair. He looks back, his family still asleep.

Athena is cuddled into Larissa's chest and Liam is sprawled out, lying on top of his sister's legs. Sam manages a small smile, trying to focus on the fact that he still has them, even though he's lost Dean.

Sam, not ready to face the day, lays back down and wraps his arm over the three, his hand resting on Larissa's back.


Sam is making eggs while the kids are sitting at the table and eating cereal and Larissa is sitting at the counter.

The toaster pops, making Sam flinch. Larissa looks at the three pieces of toast before looking over at her husband who returns to slowly cooking the eggs.

Larissa gets up and walks over, back hugging Sam, her head resting between his shoulder blades. Sam's free hand rests on her arm, his thumb softly rubbing her skin.


Larissa and Athena are sitting next to each other while using one of Athena's coloring books.

"How you doing, baby?" Larissa softly asks.

"Okay, I guess." She quietly says. "It's different. It's weird."

"Yeah. Yeah, I know what you mean." Larissa says.

"I miss getting money for the swear jar." Athena says. Larissa quietly laughs. "He never did pay me for the last one."

"Yeah. Well, here." Larissa grabs her purse that's nearby and takes a dollar out. "Courtesy of Uncle Dean."

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