037. bedridden

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It's been a little over a week since Mary's been back and they rescued Sam and Larissa from the British Men of Letters. A little over a week of Larissa no longer being pregnant.

The couple had both spent days in bed, but Sam finally managed to find strength to get up on the sixth day. Larissa, however, still never leaves the room.

Sam does his best to act okay, making sure Athena still feels loved and she gets fed. Dean's been helping keeping the toddler occupied a lot more recently, not even able to imagine the kind of pain his siblings are going through. Sam tries to get Larissa to eat or shower or even just get out of bed, but always fails.

Sam saves his breakdowns for the showers where he knows no one can barge in on him.

Currently, Sam, Dean, and Athena are in the kitchen and eating breakfast. Athena is swaying back and forth as she enjoys her pancake. She has headphones on and is watching a movie on the tablet.

"All right, so what have you found on her Majesty's Secret Suckbags?" Dean asks.

"Well, I may have turned the bunker upside down looking for any reference whatsoever to the British Men of Letters, and all I found was this letter tucked into an old ledger, uh, from the London Chapterhouse." Sam says.

"Okay, well, that's something." Dean says.

"Yeah, uh... not so much." Sam says, showing Dean the letter that's mostly blacked out.

"Awesome." Cas walks into the entryway. "Morning, sunshine. Some coffee?"

"No, thank you. I have to." Cas walks away and the brothers follow him.

"Cas?" Sam calls.

"Cas, wait up." Dean says.

"Hey, wait a second. Where you off to?" Sam asks. Cas stops and turns to them.

"Cleveland, Ohio." Cas says.

"For what?" Sam asks.

"I think I may have a lead on Lucifer. I found a police report in Cleveland about a man whose eyes flared a glowing red. It could be Lucifer in a new body." Cas says.

"All right. Yeah, that sounds like something. We should go check it out." Dean says.

"No. The devil is free because of me. Finding him is my responsibility." Cas says.

"Cas, you're gonna want some backup on this." Sam says.

"If it is him, I will call you. In the meantime, I believe you're needed here." Cas walks away.

"The hell was that about?" Dean asks.

"Mom?" Sam suggests. "Or Lissy." He adds quietly.

"What are you talking about? Mom's fine." Dean says as they walk back into the kitchen.

"You sure? I heard her walking around all night last night. I mean, don't you think she seems a bit... withdrawn? You know... shaky?"

"Of course she's shaky." Dean says, the two sitting in their previous spots. "She hasn't been on this planet since Jane Fonda was wearing leg warmers. Look, all she needs is a little R&R. You know, some good family time. She'll be aces."


Mary walks into the kitchen, her sons greeting her.

"Ooh." Mary sees the bacon on the table.

"Oh, we can fry up some more. That's-- that's probably cold by now, mom." Sam says.

"It's bacon." Mary says.

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