027. imaginary friend

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Sam and Larissa are asleep in bed, Larissa lying on her side and Sam is on his stomach and Larissa has her arm over his back. Sam's alarm goes off and he blindly reaches around it for it and turns it off. He looks at the time, letting out a sigh.

Sam sits up and yawns, taking a few moments to somewhat wake up.

"Sammy, I love you... but what psycho wakes up at 6:30 in the goddamn morning?" Larissa tiredly asks.

The two hear a gentle knocking on the door followed by somebody trying to open the door.

"Your daughter." Sam retorts.

"No, no, her waking up this is early is all you. That is your daughter. My kids are gonna be waking up at 9:00." Larissa mumbles, yawning.

"Mm-hmm." Sam lightly rolls his eyes. He leans down and kisses Larissa's cheek before getting up.

"Daddy." Athena reaches up to him when he opens the door. He's always the one who gets her when she wakes up early.

"Yeah, hey, baby girl." Sam picks her up, leaving the door cracked.

"Food." Athena says.

"I know. We're getting there." Sam quietly says, not talking too loud since he's still partly asleep. Athena holds her stuffed animal to his face.

"Oh. Mm-hmm." Sam kisses the stuffed animal's head without really thinking. Athena rests her head on Sam's shoulder, one hand gripping onto his shirt while the other holds her stuffed animal.

Sam goes into the kitchen and turns the light on. He goes over to the coffee maker and grabs the pot, moving to the sink. He fills it up and makes his way back over to the coffee maker and puts the pot there before stopping.

Sam slowly moves back to the table, observing the junk food. Athena lifts her head, gasping at the junk food.

"Candy." She leans down, trying to reach the food.

"I don't think so." Sam lifts her upright making her whine.

"Surprise!" Athena screams and Sam turns and punches the man. The high pitched scream immediately wakes Larissa up and gets her out of bed.

Sam quickly puts Athena on the bench of the table and grips the man's shirt in one hand, holding his fist up.

"Who are you?" He asks, making sure he's standing in front of Athena.

"Stwangew danga!" Athena points to the man in the colorful clothes.

"It's me, Sam! It's Sully!" He says.

"What?" Sam asks.

"You remember me, right? I made all your favorite snacks. We're friends. Like best friends. You remember?" Sully asks.

"Mama daddy's best fwiend." Athena says. She stands up and leans over, dipping her finger in the melted marshmallows that are drizzled over the chips. She hums in delight when she tastes it, immediately going back for more.

"Sully?" Sam asks.

"Yeah." He nods.

"No. You're not real." Sam says.

"Well, how'd you punch me, then?" Sully asks.

Larissa races into the kitchen, Dean following her, fast but not as fast as her. Larissa relaxes, but grows confused when she sees Sam threatening to punch midair.

"This can't be happening." Sam says.

"Dude. Who you talking to?" Dean asks.

"Him." Sam nods in an empty direction.

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