75: Moving Out

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The Dream House Part Seventy Five

Third POV

"You know, even though we've been living together, we didn't really do much with each other. It was always just going out for food and not something fun." Hannah mentioned.

"I think we should go bowling." Tommy said, putting a smirk on.

"Actually, that isn't a bad idea." Dream smiled. "I could try to talk to the manager of the bowling place nearby and see if we could have it to ourselves for a few hours tonight."

"Really?" Tubbo asked, excited.

Dream nodded. "If everyone's down for it, sure."

"We're all down, it's confirmed." Tommy spoke immediately.

"You don't speak for everyone, Tommy." Dream responded laughingly.

"Okay, who doesn't wanna go bowling?" Puffy asked, no one said anything.

"Yeah, we're all down." She added.

Everything was good. They continued on with their day, most of them cleaning their room since moving out was becoming more official. Even though going near Karl's room was something Quackity didn't want to do, he had to help Sapnap pack Karl's things. All his belongings had just been idly sitting in his room ever since...you know.

Sapnap grabbed some empty boxes from the store room which they kept ever since they moved in. Recycling was something they only did once in a blue moon, so the store room was regularly filled with bottles and boxes. While Sapnap kept Karl's items such as perfume bottles and pokémon cards into a box, Quackity folded Karl's old clothes and put them in a seperate box. He grabbed the turquoise balenciaga hoodie Karl had and wore it. He teared up as it still smelled like Karl.

Wilbur was fiddling with a rubix cube in Techno's room while Techno cleans his stuff.

"Okay, gig's up." Techno stated, taking clothes from a hanger to fold. "Tell me what's wrong."

Wilbur chuckled, remembering how he had explained to Tommy earlier today that Techno could tell when something's up.

"Moving out."

"What about it?"

"I think I'm going to move back to the UK for a while."

Techno looked at him, light pink fabric in hand. Wilbur continued speaking.

"Visit my dad and see my old soothouse friends."

"Move? Or just visit?"

"Move...for a few months." Wilbur answered, looking at Techno as he went back to folding his laundry.

"Oh, alright. Don't forget us."

"I write the lore. I could never forget you guys even if I tried." Wilbur stated.

Techno sighed, holding a half-black and half-silver crown.

"Where did you get that?" Wilbur asked.

"The mall I went to the other day. It reminded me of Ranboo but I forgot to give it to him."

At 6pm, they all left to the bowling alley which was just a 15 minute drive from the house. For once, no one in the house was holding a grudge on another person.

They bowled, laughed and had fun.

"PIZZA'S HERE!" Sapnap shouted, him and Quackity carrying half a dozen pizza boxes each.

Fast food was always like a sense of comfort to all of them. You can't be sad eating fast food. You could be sad before, or after, but nothing goes wrong when you're taking a bite out of a hot, cheesy, pepperoni pizza.

"Who the hell orders HAWAIIAN?!" Dream shouted.

"Whoever ordered pineapple on their pizza, you're weird." Sapnap joked...not really.

Being competitive in a video game was lame but in bowling? It's another level. Most of them haven't even been bowling before but were naturally good at it.

"Ranboo." Techno called.

"Yeah?" Ranboo asked.

"Follow me?" Techno over-questioned.


They walked outside the bowling place, where it was just as cold as it was inside. Techno handed him the crown. He gasped excitedly, taking it from Techno.

"Is it for me?"

"No, I just bought it to throw away." Techno laughed. "Of course, it's for you."

"Thanks, Techno!"

"Thank you for being one of my closest friends in the house."

Ranboo smiled, wearing the crown. "I'm never taking this off."

(A/N starts crying)

"Karl would've loved this." Quackity said, looking at their friends play bowling.

"STRIKE!" Sapnap shouted, giving Dream a hug.

"Yeah." George agreed to Karl, smiling. "I hope he's doing well wherever he is."

It was a fun night for all of them. A fun last "hurrah" before they moved out.

"I'll miss you guys." Dream said when they all reached the house.

"I won't." Tommy stated.

"That's because you'll be living with me and your two best friends." Phil responded.

"Exactly! It's fun."

Phil smiled menacingly. "Don't forget you're starting school again once we move in."


Well, every story needs to have an ending. I guess, this was in fact where The Dream House came to an end. They wouldn't live together ever again, but it was an interesting time they spent with each other. Moving out was a huge thing for everyone, but they were excited for this next chapter of their lives.

The End


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I'll won't make this a series, but I'm currently writing a few oneshots of when the characters move in to their seperate houses. I'll publish it in my oneshot book. Thanks for sticking around and reading this book 'till the end :)
Follow for more, I definitely have more fanfictions planned.

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