28: Critical Condition

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The Dream House Part Twenty Eight

TW: Gore.

Phil's POV

Yesterday was hectic. Tommy got was in a critical condition in the hospital. Tubbo was stable but still injured. Wilbur stayed with Tommy overnight in the hospital from 7pm to make sure he was okay.

It's the next day, almost noon and in any moment, Tommy and Wilbur will be walking through that door. I thought Tommy should stay there longer but the doctors said he was fine and he really wanted to come home anyway. I didn't send Tubbo to school today and turns out what happened yesterday was on the news.

"Phil? I need to talk to you, it's important..." Niki called from behind me.

Before I could answer, I see the door open as Wil and Tommy walk inside. I ran to them, instantly giving Tommy a light hug, not wanting to hurt him.

"Are you okay, Tommy? I came into your room yesterday night after Wilbur gave you dinner but you were already asleep."

I focused on Tommy and watch as tears roll down his cheeks.

"Tommy, what's wrong?" I questioned softly.

"I feel weird." He uttered as more tears formed.

"Did that thing they injected into you make you feel a certain way maybe? The doctors couldn't find a trace of it where they found you so they weren't sure what it was. Do you need to go back?"

"No, I'm- I just feel weak.. and drained." He cried, coughing.

"Oh, Tom..." I muttered sadly, hugging him.

Tommy then sat on the floor and snuggled into my chest, tugging my shirt and sobbing quietly.

He eventually fell asleep, I let him rest there for a while. He needed it anyway.

I remembered Tubbo was told to clean the wound on his head until it healed, I decided to check on him.

"You cleaned your wound right?" I asked, sitting on the other side of the bed.

"Yeah, Ranboo helped." He answered.

"Tubbo... are you alright actually?" I double checked.

"Yes, Phil. My head hurts but other than that I'm okay." He explained, smiling slightly.

I felt really bad for them, they had to go through all that because I probably didn't pay attention to their school.

"I'm glad. I don't know much about what happened but I'm sorry I didn't pay attention to your school life." I apologized.

"No, don't apologize Phil, I should be sorry for not telling you."

"Yes, you should've but it's in the past now. I was planning not to send the two of you to school tomorrow also... but if you want to go, I can send you."

"I can go... but I want to keep an eye on Tommy, I'm worried for him.."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he's okay. Are you sure you wanna go?"

"Yeah. Thank you, Phil. For everything since the beginning. Thanks for even taking us from the adoption centre." Tubbo thanked.

I still felt as if I was supposed to know about what happened.

"You don't have to thank me, Tubbo."

I said softly, going over to Tubbo and giving him a kiss on his forehead.

[525 words]

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