35: British Adult Male

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The Dream House Part Thirty Five


Wilbur's POV

I ended the call, got up and opened the front door. I turned to my left, seeing Niki and those two men behind her. Once they saw me, they turned around and walked the opposite way. Niki ran into the house quickly, she was wearing a shirt I've never seen her wear before. I went back in the house and locked the front door, seeing Niki shaking beside me. She was focusing on the stairs in front of her, she looked scared.

"Niki?" I called, trying to be quiet.

The others were still sleeping and Niki seemed as though she doesn't want to be around people right now.

I tapped her shoulder, watching her flinch almost instantly, with her eyes widening in fear.

"Hey, it's just me. Don't worry." I said softly.

I slowly placed my hand behind her back, gesturing her to go up the stairs. She followed, now in my room.

"You can sit on the bed." I told.

I closed the door softly, turning around to see Niki sitting on the floor. Her back against the wall, knees up to her chest.

I didn't know what to do. Should I ask her what happened? I already did, probably more than 5 times but she didn't reply. Should I leave her alone? Maybe she needs space...

I looked over at my phone that lit up, I had gotten a text from Jack. I decided to leave Niki there a while, opening my chat with Jack and replying to him.

Jack Manifold

Wilbur? Are you awake?

Yeah, what's up?

Was that you talking by
the front door earlier or
was it another British
adult male?

It was me.

Have you heard from
Niki? She saw my messages
but didn't reply.

Yeah she's with me rn

That's why you were
by the door


She called
us like a bunch of times
yesterday and I got

She's not okay, though.
She looks scared.

Really? What happened?

I'm not sure, she's not telling
me. Idk if I should ask her
again or let her be because she
flinches at every small thing.

She didn't tell you anything?

Well she texted me but wasn't replying
after that. I face timed her, she was walking
up our street and crying. I told her there
were two men following her and she
replied with 'I know.'


Yea :(

Can I talk to her?

You can but I think we should give her
space until she's comfortable with
telling us...

"You're not talking to me but I want to know what happened. Are you okay with telling me?" I asked, putting my phone on the bedside table and bending down to her.

She nodded no.

"Okay. Well you can go if you want, but I'm gonna have a shower. If you need anything, call me." I said, taking my clothes and phone with me in case she doesn't want to speak but needs me if something's wrong.

Once I got out, I looked at my phone screen, 6:50am. It's very early for me but I didn't know what else to do anyway. I walked back into my room and see Niki at the same spot, but her head was resting on her knees. I guess she was sleeping.

I didn't want to bother her but I also wanted her to sleep on the bed and not for her back to hurt.

"Hey, wake up." I whispered, putting my hand on her head to try and wake her.

She woke up with shuddering breaths, moving away from me.

"It's just me, Niki." I spoke, putting my hands away from her.

"Wil... you scared me." She said, rubbing her eyes.

"I just wanted to say that you can sleep on the bed." I mumbled, sitting on the bed facing her.

She nodded no, not wanting to get up from the floor. She yawned, covering her mouth.

"I know you don't want to tell me what happened but I'm worried for you. So if you're okay and finally comfortable with telling me, I'm here to listen."

She looked at me, eyes slightly fluttering. I assumed she was tired.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" I questioned softly.

Her eyes widened, again.

"No, no. I'm sorry, forget I asked." I apologized.

I don't know what was up but I didn't want to bring up the day before. I don't know if she's slept, I don't know if she's even eaten.

"Get some rest, okay? Do you want me to get you some food from downstairs?"

She nodded yes.

"Alright I'll be back."

I gave her food and continued the day, it was a longer day. No one other than Jack, Puffy, Phil and Dream and George knew Niki was here, since they were the only ones that asked. It's now going to be 2pm, I haven't checked on Niki or gotten a phone call from her since 4 hours ago. I wanted her to get some rest.

Some people were at work, Tubbo at school, others were filming. I haven't seen Tommy today, I totally forgot that he wanted to go somewhere with Phil, Tubbo and I. Fundy, Jack, Hannah and I were playing UNO again, this time Hannah was playing instead of Tubbo. And this time it was interrupted. By Niki calling me.

"Hey, what's up?" I picked up.

"W-Wilbur?" She called me through her cries, I could hear it.

"Niki? What's wrong?"

"I... need to get something off m-my chest."

"What is it?"

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