3: Jealous

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The Dream House Part Three

TW: Physical violence.

Dream's POV

"That's so fake." Fundy scoffed, standing by the stairs.

"What?" George asked in confusion.

"Unbelievable." Fundy whispered.

"Excuse me?" George uttered, gripping my hands slightly tighter.

He was talking softly but I could hear the anger in his voice. I've known George long enough to know that he gets emotional really quickly, but this was probably just a little misunderstanding.

"We already knew this was going to happen." Fundy mocked, crossing his arms.

I didn't understand what Fundy was trying to say. I didn't say anything just yet because I didn't want things to become worse. I thought Fundy would let it go but I was curious to what he meant.

"Wait, what are you trying to say?" I interrogated.

"He's using you, Dream. He always has been." Fundy explained, frown on his face.

I didn't show my anger. I hid behind my smile, like I always do. I was a bit more confused as to why Fundy would think that. This didn't change the way I felt for George, I turned to him to hear his reply.

"What the- No I don't!" George shouted, taking Fundy's statement offensively.

"Wait is this actually happening right now?" Wilbur questioned, understandable since we've never fought like this before.

"I don't know what the hell Fundy's saying." George answered as I stayed quiet.

"Oh, of course you won't. You only think about using Dream for his money. You clearly don't give a shit about him." Fundy said.

I could see the anger rising in George's face. Everyone just stood there and listened. I could tell they wanted to stop this before something bigger happens but didn't want to interfere with my love life with George.


"CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP!?" Fundy bawled, pacing closer to George and I.

"Fundy, stop it!" Niki demanded, only to get yelled at by Fundy.

"No one's telling you to interfere, Niki! It's not like you help anyway. You just know how to make things worse." Fundy announced.

Niki walked away, annoyed. The girls went after Niki and ignored Fundy.

"There was no reason for you to do that, Fundy." Wilbur chimed in.

"THIS ISN'T YOUR FIGHT, WILBUR." Fundy yelled at the top of his lungs.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" George yelled back, letting go of my hand to walk over to Fundy.

"Guys, calm down." I spoke, pulling George's hand back.

"NO, HE SAID I DON'T LOVE YOU AND HE'S BEING MEAN TO EVERYONE!!" He glanced, pulling his hand away again.

"OH SO LYING ISN'T MEAN, GEORGE!?" Fundy shouted.

"I agree with George, Fundy. You are being a little mean. George loves Dream and they didn't mean for their relationship to hurt you." Bad said in the calmest tone.

"How do you know that's true, Bad!?? Huh?!" Fundy asked. "YOU DON'T KNOW AND NO ONE EVEN ASKED FOR YOUR OPINIONS."

"Alright, I'm done." George mumbled right before he punched Fundy's throat.

I watched as Fundy fell to the ground and went unconscious.

[530 words]

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